• Mon. Mar 24th, 2025

Do you get a free bowl of soup with that jersey?


ByPhil Krundle

Jan 13, 2009

Oh, it looks good on you though. Remember how cool it was three years ago when you would see someone wearing the old throwback powder blue jersey with a players name from the 70?s. I would look at them and think, that?s a hard core Penguin fan. Now every time I look at the third jersey I think powder blue pansy. These jerseys look horrible on the ice.

I realize the Penguins marketing firm did a great job and you probably got one for Christmas. Heck you may of even asked for one for Christmas. There is a reason they stopped wearing them on the ice. It?s R.E.S.P.E.C.T. You get absolutely no respect wearing a pansy powder blue uniform. This is not the Penguin team of last year. We do not have Ruutu, Laraque & Malone to?keep up the tough guy image while wearing those uniforms. We do have Godard who in my opinion is not in the same league as Laraque, and apparently Fedetanko is an incredible fighter but needs 4 to six weeks to recuperate from each bout.

When you get down to it though, facts are facts and as you know, we are huge on facts here. The Penguins are 66 games under 500 when wearing those jerseys. As the third jersey we have only won 2 out of 6, and that?s including the Winter Classic.

Powder Blue Jersey Record: 95-161-58 – We will update this after Sundays game.

So as far as third jerseys go, the pansy blue ones are ten times nicer than the pigeon logo third jerseys. You know a lot of people say things are horrible yet don?t have a better idea. We?ll I do have a better idea, or two better ideas. We could have the muscle WBS Penguin as a third jersey, no pansy there! Another idea is the normal Penguin logo with holiday jerseys like they do in WBS – the Irish (they like to fight, and there?s thousands of Irish Pittsburghers) or Christmas hats.

We?ll see how the Pens do on Sunday in the powder blues.? I did mention it looks good on you though.

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