• Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

GameDay Poop: Game 2 – Pittsburgh Penguins vs Carolina Hurricanes


ByPhil Krundle

May 21, 2009

Hurricane? Monday night’s performance by the Hurricanes would barely rate as a Tropical Storm. The Penguins owned the game from the beginning up until about 3 minutes left when Carolina’s cardiac kids whipped up a storm and came close to tying the game.  These two teams have been traveling the same road the last few months, coming into the playoffs the 2 hottest teams in the NHL, but the Penguins have one thing that Carolina doesn’t, the top two scorers in the NHL playoffs right now in Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin.

Erik Cole and Tuomo Ruutu did not practice yesterday for Carolina and depending on who you ask, they will or will not be playing. Carolina’s GM is saying that they are out while Carolina’s coach is still holding out hope.  I bet Carolina is missing their combined 1 goal and plus/minus of -6 for the playoffs already.

Carolina’s coach goes NASCAR on the Penguins. Matt Cooke will not be suspended and didn’t even have a hearing for bumping Carolina’s Eric Cole, but that didn’t stop Carolina’s coach Paul Maurice from voicing his opinion: “You can hit, but in NASCAR country, there’s no rubbing allowed” “we have to be careful with any contact or if you’re going to drive the front of the net, you’re not allowed to bump which is fine, just as long as it goes both ways.”

Carolina fans think the NHL wants the Penguins to win.  Luke DeCock tries to quell all of the Carolina fan’s fears that the NHL is trying to eliminate them from the playoffs:  click here to read his article: “Conspiracy theorists can just ice those fears

Kunitz zero goals in 14 playoff games. Don’t underestimate the media’s latest goat Chris Kunitz’s value to the Penguins. This is a guy who has parted the red jersey’s to clear the way for Crosby & Guerin all playoffs long.  Oh, and if your keeping count, he has as many points as Cole & Ruutu combined and is a plus 1.

Don’t adjust your set.  The Penguins last opponent wore red jerseys, this round their nemesis is wearing red jerseys and if the Penguins make it to the finals, their opponent will be wearing red.

A rematch in the finals? Even though Detroit is up 2 games and the Penguins up 1 game, the odds are not good for both teams making it to a rematch in the finals. The last time it happened was 25 years ago when the Islanders and Oilers went back to back.

I hate “Hockeytahn”.  This is a blatant infringement on Detroit’s “Hockeytown”, not that I care that we are infringing on those dufuses, I just think we can come up with our own better name if we even need one.  Can we stop the stupid slogans? “Yes We Can”

Jordan Wins!  Jordan Staal won two out of three faceoffs against his older brother Eric. Here’s a picture they won’t show on Versus.  Jordan & Eric Staal’s mug shots from when they got a misdemeanor for disorderly conduct and obstructing the legal process at Eric’s bachelor party 2 summers ago.

Reirden locked down.  Ray Shero signed 37 year old Todd Reirden the interim head coach of the WBS Penguins to a multi year contract as head coach.

TV ratings for Mondays game are in.  The VERSUS game rated a 1.1 neilson rating with 20% of the Pittsburgh market and only 7% of the Carolina market tuning in.

The whiteout is back. Tonight the Penguins will be handing out white t-shirts and 84 Lumber towels at the gates.

Game time is 7:30PM and can be seen in high definition at both the Igloo and on VERSUS.

8 thoughts on “GameDay Poop: Game 2 – Pittsburgh Penguins vs Carolina Hurricanes”
  1. I think I figured this out. The Penguins are the better team! LOL! PENGUIN POWER! The First Family of Pittsburgh – THE MALKIN`s. Notice Mr. Malkin getting all those hug`s from those hot yong ladies that sit around him and the Mrs? Lucky Dog… How many players can score that last goal Geno put in on the backhand up in the net over Cam Ward? We bad….

  2. Carolina is saying that because they are short 2 players, they might go with 7 defensemen tonight also! I don’t think Detroit is going to lose, but that would be better.

  3. id rather have detroit lose now, so we have a better chance and have hossa not even reach the finals. we know thats probably not going to happen. Chicago just needs to win a few games to make that series longer.

  4. In my defense I wasn’t watching Bob Pompeani, I was just changing channels.

    I would love to rub it in Hossa’s face!

    I wasn’t thinking that far with the Puckburgh. Just hate HockeyTahn.

  5. @ Penzrgr8 – Who said anything about losing? As horrible as losing to Hossa would be, it would be that much sweeter beating him.

    @Jesselvis – Kunitz is due to break out! Sounds like Carolina came up with their own “hockeytown” – “Nascarville” Ha!

    @Kudacheeze – WTF??, I think your on the wrong board?

    Three more and we’re on our way!

  6. Anyone who would listen to Bob Pompiani deserves anything they get. Every single one of these local station announcers not on FSN know nothing about hockey. Following Game 1 . . . reviewing the game, KDKA was showing clips from the game in which the Pens were wearing white sweaters. After a while it’s mostly a laugher. BTW, didn’t you see the lead in to sports that a Stiller isn’t going to the White House to see Obamba! Come on now . . . these loco announcers are (mostly) out to lunch. But we all know now that is was Dan Potash that sniffed Petr Sykora’s tape, right! That case is closed. Whoever said it was Stan Savern needs a trip to Lenscrafters.

    Let’s go PENS.

  7. Puckburgh, I don’t see people changing the first letter in that and having that come back to haunt us. I think the whole poetic justice thing would be us beating hossa, but we still have to win this series.

    Only 7% of Nascarville watched the game and they were probably all relocated Pittsburgh fans.

    I’m predicting Kunitz will start going to the net tonight and get a goal. He will then remember that it is good to go to the net and will do it the rest of the playoffs. He will subsequently forget and he won’t score the first 20 games of next season.

  8. I think we can beat the Hurricanes. They appear to be a beatable team and are not showing us anything we haven’t seen. Hopefully, we can win tonight and carry the momentum into Carolina.

    I personally think the media is for every team BUT the Pens. They go on and on about the other teams. Even though our local announcers are annoying, it can be nice to hear some favoritism.

    Sportsbeat last night (Bob Pompiani) said there is no beating the Red Wings as they are truly the best team in the NHL.

    Would you rather we lose to Carolina or lose to Detroit in the finals? I am torn, because of the Hossa thing. If Detroit beats us in the finals (Yes I am putting the cart before the horse, as long as the players are not.), then Hossa can rub it in our face.

    Signing off from PuckBurgh…Puck City… (Better than HockeyTahn? LOL)

    GO PENZ!

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