• Sat. Mar 22nd, 2025

Penguins are trying to reverse the “Bad Luck Blues”


ByPhil Krundle

Oct 16, 2009

Saturday October 17th starts the return of the Penguins ugly “Bad Luck” blue jerseys and Penguin management has a plan. The plan is to change the image of the jerseys from bad luck to good luck. How are they going to do that you ask. If you must know, they scheduled the jersey only to be worn against the worst teams in the league. Here is a list of the teams and where they finished ranked in the top 30 teams last year:

Tampa Bay  29th place                     Toronto 24th  
Columbus 16th    Atlanta 27th  
Anaheim 17th   Ottawa 22nd
NY Islanders 30th   Buffalo 18th
Colorado 28th   Nashville 20th
Florida 14th   Dallas 23rd

Only two of the above teams made the playoffs last year and they didn’t even finish in the top half of the league. They must have read my post in March when I suggested they only wear them to play last place teams. Read> “Stop Wearing the Pansy Ass Powder Puff Blue Jerseys!

We here at Penguin Poop are rebelling against the “Bad Luck Blues” with our new shirts:

Pittsburgh is Black and Gold not Powder Puff Blue!blb

Now we are not suggesting that you throw away your ugly pansy ass powder puff baby blue jersey. We just suggest that you give it to your girlfriend, wife, daughter, sister, mom… you get the idea, It looks great on women. Just like the Steelers pink jersey the women wear.

Go out and buy a REAL (not chinese import) Pittsburgh Black and Gold Penguin Jersey and support your team and city!

3 thoughts on “Penguins are trying to reverse the “Bad Luck Blues””
  1. Since blue is the only color that my first hockey hero, the real Lucky Pierre, wore back in the day I can’t bring myself to bash the jersey. However I do think they look much better in the black and gold. I own one of each.
    Its all about $$$$$$.

  2. I’m pissed the 1/4 of the home games I have to watch them wear the gay jerseys – Luckily they scheduled them against crappy teams – I can sell the tickets who cares.

  3. I was estatic when then went to the black n gold finally in 1980. I thought it was cool when they wore them for the Winter Classic, but also thought it was stupid at the same time because of such a big audience watching and losing brand identity. They truely are the “bad luck blues” and the Penguins look gay when wearing them.

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