• Wed. Mar 19th, 2025

Stop Wearing the Pansy Ass Powder Puff Blue Jerseys!


ByPhil Krundle

Mar 22, 2009

Seriously how many games do we have to lose until they stop wearing these cursed ugly pansy powder puff stupid ass uniforms? They have only won 3 out of 10 games this year. How much proof do you need, we were on a streak of not losing in regulation in 12 games, on top of that one of the losses that we had in a shootout during the 12 game streak, the Pens were wearing the pansy ass blue ugly jerseys.

You want more proof?  If you look at any marketing guide, you can click on this one:”Colors for Marketing“, it says “Baby Blue: a color which implies weakness” read it yourself.  They are wearing a color that instead of instilling fear, actually implies weakness.

The Penguins are now 67 games under 500 while wearing the ugly pansy powder blues.  Yes, they used to wear these in the 70’s when they sucked.

Overall they are: 96-163-59.  Hopefully they bag these for the season and for good.  They make the team look like pansy’s.  Pittsburgh is Black and Gold, not pansy blue.  If you like them, figure skating may be a better sport for you.

And ah yes, It still looks good on you though.

For more on these ugly jerseys: Do you get a free bowl of soup with that jersey?

6 thoughts on “Stop Wearing the Pansy Ass Powder Puff Blue Jerseys!”
  1. They better not wear them in the playoffs, they
    should use the old jersey from the early 90’s

  2. I think that they are wearing those pansy jerseys again saturday against the Rangers. I’m with darius, if they were them in the playoffs, they are idiots!

  3. I now officially hate the blue jerseys. I can’t believe that baby blue implies weakness. are they insane wearing those things???????? after clicking on that market thing, I truly think that’s what made them lose all these games.

  4. While I disagree that it’s the sweater color – you just don’t wear powder-puff blue against the Flyers. It’s almost like wearing pink. Maybe worse.

  5. I hope they don’t wear these stupid things during the playoffs. There were actually people calling the post-game show to blame losing on the jerseys.

  6. I think it would be easier for everyone if you would express how you really feel about these jerseys. I hate them also.

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