• Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

Tales from the Road: Pittsburgh Penguins in Nashville


ByCoach Bombay

Oct 22, 2010

If you follow us on Twitter, you have already seen these pictures.  Or you might have seen the tweets on our Twitter feed on the right hand side of our site.  But, since I’m sure some of you are wondering what Twitter is or cursing it as you read this, I’m posting it here as well. 

Phil Krundle, Reg Dunlop, Champ Kind, and their band of merry pranksters headed to Nashville yesterday to take in the Pens vs. Preds game.  STH35 had been set to join them, but his expertise was needed back here at the last minute. 

I did try to warn Nashville to prepare accordingly before the crew got there.

That left me back here to hold down the fort on the sort of pictures from the road thing that we were going to try.  I’ve been suspecting that I’m being hazed.  After last night, Im pretty convinced.  Reg sent great pictures throughout the night with captions.  Some people (I’m looking at you, Krundle) sent blank texts or texts of random things with no explanations.

I wanted to get this up last night, but my laptop and I had a battle that involved a lot of four letter words.  Of course, the laptop won.  So, here goes my attempt at piecing together some of their photo journal of the night.  I apologize for the small size of the pictures.  I tried to make them bigger, but between them being taken on phones and varying degrees of sobriety, some got pretty blurry when enlarged.  I’m also trying to fill in where certain people left out commentary.

The crew walking around during the afternoon:

Some of the crowd at the first bar stop of the evening:

Walking into the Bridgestone Arena:

Preds pre-game:

PenguinPoop view, off the opening faceoff:

 Power play action:

 Lots of Pens fans around:

 Post win celebration:

No pictures from the crew’s post-game celebration which is probably best for everyone.  I did receive word sometime before 3:00 this afternoon that everyone seems to have survived last night.  There are no guarantees as they continue their fun in music city tonight.  I really do like Nashville, so I hope that my affiliation with PenguinPoop allows me to return after their trip.  Luckily, it’s a partying town.