• Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

The Pittsburgh Penguins New 3rd Jersey:


ByPhil Krundle

Oct 28, 2010

Picture of the Pittsburgh Penguins 3rd jersey used in the 2011 Winter Classic at Heinz Field: 

*Update…    It’s Official!

The Penguins third jersey this year is the same powder blue jerseys from last year, with the exception of the Winter Classic game and two others.  The jersey the Penguins will be wearing for the Winter Classic game is expected to be next seasons 2011/2012’s 3rd jersey. 


Pittsburgh Penguins 2011 Winter Classic Team Premier Jersey
You can purchase your Official Penguins jersey of the 2011 Winter Classic game to be held
at Heinz Field by clicking above.  This jersey will also be worn two more times this year.  It is also 
expected that this jersey will become the Penguins third jersey next year.  Price range from the 
non number jersey $124.00 click the link above to $154.99 for Crosby or Malkin to $159.99 for any of
the other players jerseys above.  Click on the player jersey your interested in above.

The Penguins will be wearing the Winter Classic Jersey on these dates this season: 

January 1st  vs  Washington at Heinz Field
February 10th vs the LA Kings
March 12th vs Montreal 

17 thoughts on “The Pittsburgh Penguins New 3rd Jersey:”
  1. I like this one. Black and Gold wouldn’t have many any sense, they already have black and gold. This is supposed to be an third eventually, so it would be stupid to have another black and gold. Besides, blue is keeping with history and tradition.

  2. I was really hoping for a black and gold jersey,it would have made perfect sense to me,considering they already had a blue jersey in 2008,and with the 20th anniversary of the Cup win,and the game being played at Heinz Field. Between this jersey and the current baby blue one,I like the current,this one is just plain gross. Either way,I’m sure the Pens will still beat the Caps in the Classic!

  3. Gotta get this in before tonights game. One of the things that I was most looking forward to in the new digs at the POWERHOUSE was the idea that the new ice surface would be PERFECT! This bodes well for a team that has the tape to tape passing skills like our dear Pens. Unfortuantely it is quite the contrary. Last game alone the puck was bouncing like a check from Jagr! (the paper kind) Even though Geno didn’t look enthused about the penalty shot call, it might have been because he forsaw the puck bouncing the whole way down the ice and eventually off of his blade! On the other side of the rink Toronto missed a gimme one timer because o the same issue. I understand that our state of the art facility is taking some getting used to but for hockey God’s sake can we get a nice sheet of ice out there? Even before the anthem the ice looks like a Chilean airliner crashed into it…..what? To early? Eat me!

  4. I like the bottom jersey design but hate the light blue. I’m ready for a new black and gold design.

    1. O contraire mon friare! If yoyu read my last column you would know that there is indeed 1 good retro jersey out there! Pardon my French!

  5. I hope you and whoever NHL snipers are are wrong. This looks horrible.

    Black and Gold with the Pittsburgh script down the front would be one that I would buy.

  6. Forget about those blue jerseys we already wore those the first winter classic game. I agree with you Pens at Heinz Field they should wear the 91-92 Black and Gold Jerseys. I would love to see us kickin the caps a$% in those Jerseys. Go Pens

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