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Video: Suttons Suspendable cheap shot of Leopold



Apr 16, 2010

Andy Sutton leaves his feet to elbow Jordon Leopold in the head.  Under the new NHL head shot rule Sutton will most likely be suspended 2 to five games tomorrow afternoon even though there was no penalty called on the ice.  Here is the video:

7 thoughts on “Video: Suttons Suspendable cheap shot of Leopold”
  1. Everything thing I’ve been reading about this all over the internet has everyone saying it wasn’t and elbow therefore it’s a clean hit. The rules have changes three weeks ago people. The NHL instituted a new head shot rule go read about, maybe learn something. As Suspend Sutton wrote that a hit where the primary point of contact is the head is the new rule. It doesn’t have to be an elbow it could have been Sutton’s ass. According to the new rule this was not a clean hit. From what I read the NHL will not be placing diciplinary action Sutton so once again the players will have to police themselves.

  2. this was cleary an intent to injure, suttons skated from far away and just aimed for leopolds head sutton is as cheap as they come.

  3. “League disciplinarian Colin Campbell has been given the power to hand out supplemental discipline for hits on unsuspecting players where the primary point of contact is the head.” The only point of contact was Leopold’s head. Sutton is know for aiming for the head and if Campbell doesn’t do something the Pens should take off Spezza’s head. It will be open season.

  4. Suspend him 5 that’s why the head shot rule was made! He skated from halfway across the ice to hit him. Isn’t that also charging? Was the ref having a siesta?

  5. How can this Versus announcer not know the rules? He said next year when they start enforcing the head shot rule. The NHL governing body already passed that rule you idiot, it is in effect right now!

    Versus seriously needs to have these guys take a written test and make sure they know the rules before they are allowed to speak on air.

  6. Sutton has already been suspended this year, this is a slam dunk for Colin Campbell, the only question is how long? Campbell needs to send a message out early in the playoffs that this type of play will not be acceptable and sit him for 5 games. It is too bad these very dry Versus announcers are afraid to mention anything that may be contoversial.

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