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Video: Alexander Ovechkin Cheap Headshot of Penguins Zbynek Michalek


ByDoug MacRay

Jan 22, 2012

Washington Capital’s Alexander Ovechkin leaves feet and targets Pittsburgh Penguins Zbynek Michalek’s head during afternoon game on January 22, 2012.  Will the NHL take action?


67 thoughts on “Video: Alexander Ovechkin Cheap Headshot of Penguins Zbynek Michalek”
  1. Seriously, one day someone is going to lay Ovechkin out. He’s going to pull this stuff on the wrong team, and someone is going to say enough is enough, because this dope needs to learn a lesson. I could see a guy like Bieksa or Dustin Brown destroying this guy.

  2. @MrCapsfan09 The evidence is in the video above this comment, numbnuts. Just because hockey stars drive the NHL market doesn’t give them a license to headhunt. Sincerely, Mr. Obvious.

  3. The evidence is in the video above this comment, numbnuts. Just because hockey stars drive the NHL market doesn’t give them a license to headhunt. Sincerely, Mr. Obvious.

  4. how is ovechkin a dirty player?, and players like him make the league so how can you take players like him out when they are what fuels the NHL markets. He is what people come to see in the all star game, this years all star game was a joke… NHL some- star game.. don’t agree, don’t have to look past Scott Hartnell cracking the line-up..

  5. @TheHockeyChicks how is ovechkin a dirty player?, and players like him make the league so how can you take players like him out when they are what fuels the NHL markets. He is what people come to see in the all star game, this years all star game was a joke… NHL some- star game.. don’t agree, don’t have to look past Scott Hartnell cracking the line-up..

  6. [..YouTube..] @TheHockeyChicks how is ovechkin a dirty player?, and players like him make the league so how can you take players like him out when they are what fuels the NHL markets. He is what people come to see in the all star game, this years all star game was a joke… NHL some- star game.. don’t agree, don’t have to look past Scott Hartnell cracking the line-up..

  7. suspensions should only apply at home gamesthey get him 41 times a year while fans elsewhere can only see him once or twicei was expecting him on florida on wednesday

  8. [..YouTube..] suspensions should only apply at home gamesthey get him 41 times a year while fans elsewhere can only see him once or twicei was expecting him on florida on wednesday

  9. [..YouTube..] @DontTalkToMeTroll Yeah, so if everyone leaves their feet, he shouldn’t be suspended. These rules are so inconsistent.

  10. ovechkin is a very skilled player but by the same token he is also a very dirty player. Skilled or not players like this do not belong in this league. He will never win the cup because he dont know how to play as a team, a single unite of 6. Im glad hes not in the allstar game now,

  11. ovechkin is a very skilled player but by the same token he is also a very dirty player. Skilled or not players like this do not belong in this league. He will never win the cup because he dont know how to play as a team, a single unite of 6. Im glad hes not in the allstar game now,

  12. [..YouTube..] ovechkin is a very skilled player but by the same token he is also a very dirty player. Skilled or not players like this do not belong in this league. He will never win the cup because he dont know how to play as a team, a single unite of 6. Im glad hes not in the allstar game now,

  13. everyone leaves their feet when they make a hard hit… you have to if your driving in from below which is the essence of a CLEAN hard hit. In this case he just didn’t time it right and started to drive up a little early and so his shoulder hit higher then he wanted. A good thing out of this play is that hopefully players saw how even the hardest hits can be safe if the person being hit is up against the boards…

  14. @MJ52590 everyone leaves their feet when they make a hard hit… you have to if your driving in from below which is the essence of a CLEAN hard hit. In this case he just didn’t time it right and started to drive up a little early and so his shoulder hit higher then he wanted. A good thing out of this play is that hopefully players saw how even the hardest hits can be safe if the person being hit is up against the boards…

  15. [..YouTube..] @MJ52590 everyone leaves their feet when they make a hard hit… you have to if your driving in from below which is the essence of a CLEAN hard hit. In this case he just didn’t time it right and started to drive up a little early and so his shoulder hit higher then he wanted. A good thing out of this play is that hopefully players saw how even the hardest hits can be safe if the person being hit is up against the boards…

  16. And you know whats funny that is what Michalek gets for him doing the EXACT same thing to Hendricks of the capitals he just didnt leave his feet he jammed his elbow into the back of Hendricks head so he deserved that hit GO OVI

  17. [..YouTube..] And you know whats funny that is what Michalek gets for him doing the EXACT same thing to Hendricks of the capitals he just didnt leave his feet he jammed his elbow into the back of Hendricks head so he deserved that hit GO OVI

  18. You know whats funny about this…. If it was the other way around and it was Ovi that got slammed like that all you would be saying hell yes get off Ovi’s dick OVI will wreck your shit

  19. [..YouTube..] You know whats funny about this…. If it was the other way around and it was Ovi that got slammed like that all you would be saying hell yes get off Ovi’s dick OVI will wreck your shit

  20. @angelofdeath014 Yes he most certainly targeted the head using his shoulder. Look where Ovi is looking… Zbynek Michalek’s head…. Yeah.

  21. [..YouTube..] @angelofdeath014 Yes he most certainly targeted the head using his shoulder. Look where Ovi is looking… Zbynek Michalek’s head…. Yeah.

  22. Although I can clearly see such discussion going towards hate or no hate, I tend to agree that Ovi shouldn’t have jumped. But My opinion is that there was no elbow, there was sholder to sholder (and yes, partially head cause Ovi jumped), but no injury and my opinion is that 3 games is too much given that other players, Pens team included, are not even mentioned (this disussion included) for similar hits.

  23. [..YouTube..] Although I can clearly see such discussion going towards hate or no hate, I tend to agree that Ovi shouldn’t have jumped. But My opinion is that there was no elbow, there was sholder to sholder (and yes, partially head cause Ovi jumped), but no injury and my opinion is that 3 games is too much given that other players, Pens team included, are not even mentioned (this disussion included) for similar hits.

  24. hes obviously pissed about the 3 game suspension, he just took himself out of the all star game….definitely a protest…if you ask me, thats a dirty, dangerous hit…if you let ovechkin get away with it you let everyone get away with it

  25. hes obviously pissed about the 3 game suspension, he just took himself out of the all star game….definitely a protest…if you ask me, thats a dirty, dangerous hit…if you let ovechkin get away with it you let everyone get away with it

  26. [..YouTube..] hes obviously pissed about the 3 game suspension, he just took himself out of the all star game….definitely a protest…if you ask me, thats a dirty, dangerous hit…if you let ovechkin get away with it you let everyone get away with it

  27. The target was the shoulder. The plan was to hit the shoulder and drive him upwards. He got the timing wrong or else it’s a perfectly legal hit.

  28. @coolhandmooses The target was the shoulder. The plan was to hit the shoulder and drive him upwards. He got the timing wrong or else it’s a perfectly legal hit.

  29. [..YouTube..] @coolhandmooses The target was the shoulder. The plan was to hit the shoulder and drive him upwards. He got the timing wrong or else it’s a perfectly legal hit.

  30. So when Shanahan says it’s three games he knows what he’s talking about, but when he says Ovechkin didn’t target the head he doesn’t? Can’t have it both ways.

  31. @coolhandmooses So when Shanahan says it’s three games he knows what he’s talking about, but when he says Ovechkin didn’t target the head he doesn’t? Can’t have it both ways.

  32. [..YouTube..] @coolhandmooses So when Shanahan says it’s three games he knows what he’s talking about, but when he says Ovechkin didn’t target the head he doesn’t? Can’t have it both ways.

  33. [..YouTube..] Michalek should also have been suspended for retaliation and a blatantly obvious elbow to the head of Hendricks. Unbelievable.

  34. I dont like or dislike Ovechkin. I cant believe the NHL has swung so far towards gayness that this even merits a suspension. Possibly a 2 minute penalty, absolutely nothing more. The NHL is becoming more unwatchable by the day

  35. [..YouTube..] I dont like or dislike Ovechkin. I cant believe the NHL has swung so far towards gayness that this even merits a suspension. Possibly a 2 minute penalty, absolutely nothing more. The NHL is becoming more unwatchable by the day

  36. watch it again fool. what would he be targetting by jumping??? is ovechkin a midget and i never noticed and he needs to jump to hit a guys shhoulder?? gimme a break

  37. I think he’ll get three for this… Unless that takes him out of the all-star game. Then shanahan will give him however how many games Washington has before that. Anyone know the all-star rules with suspensions?

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