Evgeni Malkin got thrown into the boards by Florida’s Erik Gudbranson with 15 minutes left in the third Period and didn’t return. It looked like he may have gotten whiplash. He also looked a little woozy as he headed to the locker room. The Pens went on to score two goals after he left and won the game 3-1.
Video: Malkin Hit Into Boards by Florida’s Gudbranson Doesn’t Return
261 thoughts on “Video: Malkin Hit Into Boards by Florida’s Gudbranson Doesn’t Return”
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LOL good one are you 5? stfu. Hahha but then again your a canucks fan. i didnt expect any less. ahaha
Well it doesn’t help you pens fans to know that Crosby’s a diver & a crybaby. BOOHOO Bitch
Flyers fans are shit. It is ashamed that grown adults have the nerve to chant “Crosby Sucks” at a public sporting event.
May I ask. Karma for what? Funny how teams complain when they are jealous they cannot afford players like Sid and Geno
Says the kid using XD. Grow up dick.
Yet you are here sitting on the computer never playing a sport in your life. Ignorant faggot.
You sound like a 6 year old.
Did you seriously just fucking call a hockey player a NOOB? 9 year olds these days.
erik gudbrason is the best hitter in the nhl he just rapes noobs like malkin
Obviously napkin needs to learn how to take a hit that was so clean
Lebron James could a taken a hit like that
Хахаха хорош:))Stupid Americans won’t understand even with a google translator:)
how is he a pussy.. lol you’d die from a hit like that.
that guys a damn pussy that was a good hit
How would I know my parents wealth and what does that have to do w anything lol
haha what you got rich parents or something? ahhh grow up kid
Something happened alright. Cryers got embarrassed by the Penguins in their own building!
@nimey289 How’d you like that game tonight. Hahaha! 4-1? Eat it Cryers! Out of playoffs, under. 500 and beaten by Pittsburgh. I love it
ur fucked up manspeaking of karma…. get ready for it
That’s true. Pens have to compete w Steelers from Oct. – Jan. every year. Whereas the Eagles… lol. They always suck. Flyers fans are so focused on how Pittsburgh does that they have to go comment on a YouTube video of our player getting hurt that only put him out a week. Hilarious.
thanx! Pretty good point though! Now go break some windows fucktard!! lol
Ya but philly has nothing else bro!!! I stress “NOTHING” The Pens have to compete with the Steelers yearly. Which everyone growing up is pointed to football and the Steelers, the eagles suck ass year after year and so do the 76’rs which I was a huge fan off! I have always loved hockey since I was young and have watched the Pens since they were up 3-0 on the Islanders and dropped four in a row. I’m just saying that football is king in west PA but hockey has really grown!!!
So, “calling it like you see it,” therefore you saw my dads cum stain last night. Which means you’re some kind of homosexual peeping tom. And no its not normal to live w mommy at age 20. You pathetic homo.
You’re original lolololol
Listen to you asshat, at least we don’t riot and destroy our city when we lose!
Hopefully not the cum stain your dad left you last night, just calling it like I see it. I can’t wait for something will happen Thursday and it sucks for the penguins since they have 0 true toughness on their team that will stand up for the team up. Like I said before I am not even 20 so it’s normal to ‘live with mommy’. I’m in college and will sure as hell go further than you. Being on Malkin’s dick doesn’t qualify as a job either.
Don’t get the cookie thing but I’m just calling it like I see it. You’re nothing but a cum stain. And all your happiness for this video lasted one week and Malkins right back on top. I have quite a good job thanks. You live w mommy lol
Uncalled for and not classy, the usual pittsburgh fan. Get a job and do something with your life. XD Here’s a cookie!
Just and little while ago are pretty synonymous faggot
That was actually a little while ago, you’re slacking dude!
Ok. He and Sid just scored back to back highlight reel goals. And you’re a fuckstain.
That seems like quite a foul mouth for a grown ass 33 year old now doesn’t it?Thanks for the updates too dude, fill us in on the rest of Malkin’s day.
ovechkin is a prickin douchebag
I’d like to see you take a check from an NHL defenseman. You would be probably be crying.
FYI…Current NHL point leaders:#1 – S.Crosby – 10 goals – 24 assists – 34 points (22 games)#59 – A.Ovechkin – 8 goals – 8 assists – 16 points (20 games)Crosby sucks uh ???? You Crosby haters are such jealous idiots, it’s just no fun to pick on you guys anymore!
Crosby sucks lets go ovi
Malkins back tonight. And Philly is still a shithole of retarded crying pussy bitches. Since 1975.
@Jon Mak dude your a fucking pussy if you were so damn good why arnt you in the NHL. And your just pissed that your team doesn’t have superstars on it like Sid and Geno. Grow up and stop cheering for people getting injured, I’ve had the same thing happen to me and its not fun, so kindly go fuck off
These blue jerseys are the devil, first Sid gets a concussion and now Geno. It’s time for a new 3rd jersey
Clean hit, best video ive seen since the crosby went out. The price to pay for not taking care of yourself. Typical Pitssburgh Pussies. Go find me another team that bitches about their teams concussions on a daily basis. Find me a time when Gretzky, Jagr, Lemeuix, or Datsyuk complained about a concussion even a short one. They don’t.
For one person to hope for another human being to break his neck is disgusting. Especially someone who has never done anything to you in your life, you don’t even know him. It’s not his fault Vancouver can’t win the cup. It’s just sickening to hope for another’s suffering.
fuck malkin
malikin updatemalkin updatemalkin goes to take a dumpand sticks his head then wipes his mouthlol
Cleared for contact in practice one week later. Go troll somewhere else.
Karma he says. Fucking preschooler. Hew a flyers fan by the way. Too much of a pussy so he pretends to be canucks fan
Karma is some bullshit hippy word and has absolutely zero proof of existence you ignorant asshole.
Well, I disassociate myself from those fans. They don’t know shit about hockey. However, people need to realize that ignorant fans exist on every NHL team. Also, it’s “some”, not “most”. Same with every team’s fans.
Actually, no, I don’t hate the Penguins anymore than any other team. I find it funny how most Penguin players and fans were going apeshit over headshots and concussions when they throw them out just as much as any other team. It’s karma.
Sheesh, Penguin players have the worst luck when it comes to concussions.
Apparently you just have some pre-conceived hatred for the Pens just because it’s the “in” thing to hate them. Cheap shots happen all the time, but since Malkin and Crosby are some of the best players in the NHL, they are put under a microscope. It’s understandable that they are, but people should recognize that there are plenty more players in this league that have given multiple cheap shots in their careers.
You just went full retard. I’m sure that’s about equal of what Malkin has done over his career. You just proved my point on how stupid Penguin fans are. Well done.
/watch?v=HXDhvhCC3kI Go ahead and reply saying this doesn’t count. I’m waiting.
Are you retarded? I didn’t realize Henrik had a history of throwing out cheap shots. Jesus Christ, you Penguin fans are the dumbest in the league.
You sound like you have a mental disorder. Best to get that checked out, you know? If this happened to Henrik Sedin, you wouldn’t be saying this shit. Get off of your power trip you ignorant dumbass.
wow your a cunt
I was hoping that he broke his neck on the play. Looks like karma came back to get him.
First game in Philly*
Really? Always? Did you watch the 2008 playoffs? Or 2009? Or the’06-’07 season? Or the firdt game in phipoy this year? You’re wrong. And it’s not “we.” We do not play in the NHL.
Why? We always beat you.
В школе русский видимо не учил?
не понимаю русских, которые не могут понять, что это чисто игровой момент… Малкину чисто не повезло…
хуесосы ванючие,Америкашки ебанные,мочить вас надо…
USA the best!Америка ПИд0рcКААЯ СТРAНA для ГOHДOHOB
From a Penguin fan: It was clean. Nothing to see here. He should be back sooner rather than later. He’s been skating and hasn’t had symptoms the past few days. They are taking their time with him though.
The flyers were as never as bad as the Pens from 02-05 so you really cannot say that. The Pens fans sell out every game since 05 and I’ve gotten to see 3 cups in my lifetime. You have gotten to see zero. So congrats on your loyalty. Pat yourself on the back. You still haven’t gotten to enjoy what we have
i dont understand, there are 6 other teams with longer droughts than the flyers. and the flyers have been the most consistent team along with the red wings in making the postseason… what is it, like 14/15 of the lsat seasons theyve made it? Why dont you hop off the flyers dick and go bandwagon the fucking undefeated hawks… Flyers have the most loyal fanbase selling out every game no matter where they are in the standings
Пидорас ебаный, нихуя сам играть не умеет, вот и решил травмировать! Женя держись Россия с тобой!!!
He’s practicing today. He’ll be back soon (you can here the whimpering in philly).
He was finishing his check
wtf Gudbranson was doing nothing, nothing, he only hold him up by good positioning and then Malkin loose his edge. That was perfect defensiv play and everyone was agree on that.
wow bs .. he did mean to do it though geno obviously lost his balance when ge got hit then slid into the boards
Gudbranson is Canadian not American suka.
@Sm0kesLetsGo I hope someone smokes you in the head with a bat for a comment like that. If you dont like the player shut the fuck up and keep your comments to yourself.
Thanks to him malkin now has a concussion
Karma is a Philly fan never celebrating a cup since 1975 lol.
Per madonnas really? Lets see you take that hit. The whiplash was unreal. Typical hater and just jealous
Malkins a baby like Sid the cry baby kid. All pre Madonnas on Pittsburg Pierre McGuire will help you through your concussion geno by blowing you
In other words, although attendance numbers seem like a good gauge of fan support and loyalty, I don’t think its the only thing that should be taken into consideration. That’s not to say that Pens fans weren’t complaining when we were losing. Hell, I still hate Fluery. But Flyers fans seem to have no prob getting players from the Penguins organization. I would never be accepting of a player who came from the Flyers. I still miss Talbot.
I’m a college student as well, so I can relate. When you said you were a teenager I didn’t equate that to being a college student. I was assuming you had parents who take you to a game. I don’t know about Philly but it costs about $150 for standing room only tickets to take a date to a game here. Only disgustingly wealthy people can afford to go to games all the time. I don’t equate wealthiness with being a true sports fan. The majority of us watch games on TV most of the time.
I’m mistaken. that stat must have come from before they built PNC park. the most recent list i found, from 2009, has them at around #18, at the middle of the list, not towards the bottom. However, i also saw a stat that said they made over 25 mil. last year, which is over 10 mil more than the 2009 number.
Гандон Женю покалечил!!!
Looks like Malkins cheap shot chickens have come home to roost. He’s a scum bag. Karmas a bitch Geno.
serves him right
Его вообше-то швед вырубил, какие американцы? Господи, когда у вас, антиамериканской поцреотни, мозгов прибавится..?
fuck you man
@Sm0kesLetsGo why is geno a booop he seems nice
Good finally that bitch gets what he deserves
First off just curious as to why you don’t reply to my posts. Second off I am 10+ years younger than your old messed up ass so even if I did live with my mommy, that would be pretty normal. I’d tell you I played hockey but you’d probably never believe me. I would not want to be beiber personally either and hey at least I’m giving my VALID sources rather than just spitting out nonsense but that’s just typical pittsburgh for ya!
I went opening night and I’m hoping to go to the game saturday too if tickets aren’t gone. Not that easy going to college and affording to go to hockey games, but that’s just me
How many of you are aware, that the second most liked comment means “Faggot Americans”?
2nd most profitable team in baseball? No, sorry that is incorrect. They are towards the bottom of profitable teams.
бедный ребенок!
nimey289 is just some beieber wannabe tween who spouts out things he reads on the internet. There’s no reasoning with complete idiots especially those from a town that is known nationwide for being unintelligent. Just look at their brain dead mascot Rocky. I think it’s time to ignore this complete loser who lives w his mommy and would cry for her if we ever caught him out in public. And if I ever checked him into the boards in a sport he’s probably never played he’d be nothing but a little stain
He could have hurt his sternokleidomastoideus
Get better soon GENO!
so when’s the last time you went to a flyers game, oh loyal fan?
I was just assuming you would have known that, considering pens fans are more loyal and all
you could have been a little more specific about what you wanted me to look at. Yeah, we suffered in attendance around the time of the lockout because we were doing so poorly. Alot of teams did. As for me, I was watching hockey. I don’t personally eat cookies, btw. These are special troll cookies.
I can admit that the NHL lockout hit us pretty hard because we were doing so poorly at that time. they were even talking about selling the team, but enough of us fans were around to show support for the team and we’re still here. Plus, even look at baseball. The Pirates have sucked my entire life, but we’ve still got the second most profitable team in MLB behind the Yankees. We sell out games when the Pirates go on even a little streak. We love our teams here, and we don’t talk shit on them.
Емае, я слышал что у него потери в памяти
Respect to Neal. A true leader fights for each of their team…
Я раньше думал , что “едро”
You must be a basketball fan…bunch of freaks of nature.
that was hard to watch. get well soon malkin!
Just in case you forgot the Penguins were also dominating the league in the early to mid 90’s and that’s where most of the fan base comes from. Pre 2005. So don’t talk about things you know nothing about just to feel better about your team never winning the cup. Also, it doesn’t surprise me that NJ and Philly suck each others dicks. Trash loves trash.
I wanted you to see the 19.5% decrease in attendance during the 03-04 season for your penguins. Where were those sellouts when your team almost most to KC? You have a devils fan, from philadelphia, and a flyers fan calling out pittsburgh and the penguins ‘fans’, so just keep stuffing your face with cookies and stop before you make yourself look even more dumb
I’ll admit, Pittsburgh is becoming a premier place in the US for hockey. And yes I do listen to Philly talk radio because I live in Philly and that’s why I can tell you as a fan of an enemy the fans here are probably the best fans in the game. And just incase you forgot, before 87 and 71 came along, the Penguins were a dying franchise. So I’m not sure if the old fans forgot there was still hockey in Pittsburgh or what, but their current fanbase doesn’t fool anyone into thinking they know hockey.
американцы пидорасы
yikes, he’s done for the season.
no way, have you ever listened to Philly talk radio? god, all they do is complain. those “post-2005” fans are mostly kids and women who are completely new to the game. The girls love our team because they don’t look like Scotty Hartnell, that’s easy to see. But the kids love the team because we’ve got so many talented heroes for them. If you look at youth hockey leagues, we’ve got more kids going pro in our area than pretty much anywhere else outside of canada.
dumbest sport in the world! fucking villagers and butchers…
Ok so by your logic… You bitch about the Penguins. That makes you a Crosby dick rider. I guess they don’t teach the mechanics of the English language at those fine Philadelphia public schools. I feel sorry for you. Here, have a cookie.
max attendance at consol center for hockey games is between 18,087 to 18,387. The Penguins sell out every game, so I don’t think your numbers on attendance mean a damn thing. Sry that you think about other guys jerking off so much. must be a philly thing.
I’m a Devils fan and it is pretty easy to see the Flyers have one of, it not the most, loyal fanbase in the NHL. And it is also VERY easy to see the majority of Pittsburgh’s current fanbase are all post-2005 fans.
Малкин красавчик
Clearly he’s a good player but if he was to stop his antics than we wouldn’t be having this disagreement. Fans of his can say that he’s drawn into that stuff all the time or it’s just that the video only gets the stuff he does because it’s always focused on him but the better players learn how to just skate away and mind their own and fact is that he doesn’t. Sorry that’s the way it is and it seems to be regressing but some teams/players know how to get in his head with things, legal or not.
Now Giroux is a great player and leader, yes they had great success against the Pens last season. But to be fair Sid was thrown into the hot zone after a long ans struggling concussion. And the fact remains they only beat the Pens and that was it. At least Crosby has lead them to two finals and won the cup once. Looking at all the trophys he’s won as well it just doesn’t make any sense to talk all this shit about him just because he pushes someones glove away or whatever..
lmao yet another 30 year old cursing and arguing with a teenager on a youtube video. Hockey database website and look at nhl attendance for the beloved Flyers, numbers don’t lie. I’d like to see your sources and an article written by another one of you middle aged men living in their momma’s basement who fondles themselves on the reg doesn’t qualify. I still don’t want the cookie considering it’s probably been in the center of one of those jerk circles guys from pittsburgh have. Lameee-o
Dirty but can people really bitch? The way malkins been acting the last couple seasons this was plenty deserving
I’ve been following since 1989 when I was 9 years old. And through the 3 years (only) when they weren’t good in that span. 1989. You know, 14 years after the cryers won their last cup. You complain about Crosby whining when that’s all you loser fans ever do. Go boo Santa Claus. You ppl have zero loyalty.
‘Cryers’ is real creative. I’m sure pittsburgh was proud after only having to cheer for just a few years after following the penguins since 2005. Fact is that the flyers fans are and always will be better and more loyal.
You would have to be loyal to vote for such a losing team. 1975!
I don’t like to see any hockey player, regardless of team, get hurt. Get well soon, Geno!
Pens allday
And for what, get smashed in the second round like the cryers? When the Pens knocked them out in round one in ’09 they won the cup. There’s the difference. Suck on that fan of a below .500 bunch of scrubs.
have first all you want, you’ll still get beat in the first round again pussayyyyy
Sorry can’t hear you watching Crosby score 2 and Penguins take first place.
nah man, dad’s don’t do that where I’m from unlike your inbred family
Damn clean hit but nasty fall get better soon Mallkin
Hope u get one up yours faggot lol
the stick between the legs ya fuck up
One elbow that wasn’t penalized in any fashion does not make a player dirty. Anything else?
Almost doesn’t count and it had nothing to do w fans. They couldn’t get a new arena. Hey when have the canucks ever won q cup? Lol. Sounds like some pent up frustration hahaha
Excuse me, the team almost became the KC Pens*.
Since 89. Exactly, when the pens actually became a respectable NHL franchise. And as soon as they started sucking again between Mario and Crosby, the fans disappeared and the city almost became the Kansas City Penguins. Come up with something better than the cryers already. It’s been overused. Besides, Crosbitch was the real ‘cryer’ when G put him on his ass in Game 6 last year. The Flyers are a great hockey franchise with even better fans. Pitt could learn a thing or 2 from us.
I guess you haven’t watched a lot of Penguins games then?
i hate malkin!
It’s a clean hit with a nasty unfortunate result. No need to get emotional about it.
lol this pretty much sums up a Penguins fan. No knowledge of hockey whatsoever. Why don’t you go look up some of Malkin’s cheapshots before you claim he’s “never” done anything dirty. Fucking moron.
Oh man, you really got me there.
Cry some more, you pansy.
NHL is only about show … americans suck in hockey when they have to play by rules and show real technic…
Learn to spell before you stir the pot you dumbass
I agree Cooke is dirty and am ashamed of his play sometimes and this was a clean play just unfortunate but Geno has never been dirty. Look at Neanderthal Hartnell if you want to see a dirty player.
You must be if your from vancouver
are you fucking retarded?
Thank Cooke for this….and Crosby_
Wasn’t exactly clean either. It was more of a shove than a check. Not that it warrants a suspension, but I wouldn’t call it squeaky clean. Though Geno is mostly to blame. He took a risky play and didn’t really leave Gud any other choice than to shove him into the boards.
How is Malkin a dirty player? Anyone? Love how cryers fans make shit up when their team has been dirtiest in the league for years. I’ve never seen Malkin do one dirty thing aside from retaliation. Philly Cryers/Lyers losing since 1975.
Crosby and Malkin. Luckily they will have new 3rd jerseys next season.
You are a fucking idiot, just so you know, the rest of Vancouver hates you and would prefer you pick another team. There you have it folks, the biggest douchbag canuck fan in our storied history.
and that is why you live in a trailer park. douchebag
Unfortunately, there are many agressive idiots in the world. This commentor is typical one from Canada. Russian idiot, for example, would be glad if some famous Canadian player would get injured.
just go fuck yourself
Somebody hit Cindy Crosby again please! That pussy.
Впринципе игровое столкновение, просто упал неудачно.
honestly, Malkin got finally his own medicine. He’s a dirty player sometimes. Thought i hope his concussion isn’t that bad. Hopefully he’s back soon. -Flyers fan.
Love the pens but there was no intent to injure here, clean hit. Nobody should be pissed here it was just normal hockey accident.
викто я тебя поимею.Хавальник заткни!!!
fuck you, turd!!
it’s black envy
Shut up stupid bitch
take hits at stupid comments if you like, but please don’t attack our city. that was a very sad incident and a lot of people were victimized.
clean hit, hate malkin cause i think he is a dirty player. but hopefully he comes back 100 percent, good luck to him
he ain’t playing like it so far. if he goes into the playoffs like this pens will be out by second round
with the username canucksofvancouver, show a little more class. -vancouverite.
Not a dirty hit, but I hope he gets better. And this is coming from a Caps fan, wishing injuries on someone is something you just don’t do. This is a GAME, injuries carry on into REAL LIFE.
what a wuss.. now somebody to that to crosby yet
Damn, I’ve never heard that one before. Originality surely isn’t your forte.
Don’t you have a city to burn and vandalize?
Pens fan since 1980 so to the pens fans saying it was a dirty hit get real.clean hit shame it will put Genoa out for a while but he is a true hockey player skated off the ice and hope he is back soon and not out for a year.
A Bruins fan telling someone else to stay classy? Unheard of.
lol go eat another burger, Tubby Lumpkins.
Cry more. He’s a dirty player who had it coming. Karma’s a bitch, isn’t it?
Geno is the fucking man. Best player in the game. Not a dirty hit though.
I don’t know any Pens fans who are crying about it.
If it happened to the Senators they would be bitching about Gudbranson.
<3 Geno <3
dirty player
It was only a matter of time before Karma caught up on the penguins for that head snapping lmao
Pens fan here. It was a clean hit ppl. And to all you Cryers fans Crosby never once complained or whined after his hits that took him out for a season. He complained his first two season not since. you losers cant let something go cause your team has sucked since ’75. Worst fans in sports
Typical pens fans crying and complaining ! Maybe bettman will here them and make hitting those cry babies illegal !! Lmao
It was a clean hit. Saying that I hope he gets better soon & only misses limited games
funny how pens fans cry dirty but are ok with cooke and his dirty play and cry baby Crosby
Malkin entered the zone really fast, almost recklessly. If this wasn’t Gudbrandson trying to slow him down, this would have been a lot worse. Not even a dirty play, but a bad landing. I wouldn’t be shocked if this ended his season.
Probably a Flyers fan that’s why.
nothing about that hit is dirty. sack up.
Apparently to pens fans this is a dirty hit yet thet say cookes was clean.
Ok douchebag!! Crosby may have acted up a bit when he was younger but anymore he just plays, I watch every Pens game and for the last two years or so, He has done none of that garbage he is accused of!! Why don’t u and the other asshats leave the guy alone #1 he never asked to be “the so called face of the league” #2 Do you ever hear of him getting an any trouble like these other tool bags in football/basketball? No you don’t!! #3 NHL team that would ever pass up a chance to have him!! Facts!!
Wow sounds a lot like Clutterbuck too, get stretchered off for a charley horse. In fact there’s more and more players like that in league because they know if they act like they are seriously injured they can get draw a suspension. How long until it turns into soccer?
I hate the pens but malkin is a great player its a shame he plays with pussy crosby its players like crosby that ruin the game
I hate thepens but
Clean hit. Not a fan of either team. Crospussy should take lessons from Malkin. He took a clean hit, didnt complain like a pussy, dusted himself off and got up. If that had happened to Crospussy, he probably would have litterally shit himself, cried for 10 minutes , and then tried to pick a fight with the smallest guy on the ice. Im a huge NHL fan and i find it revolting that the “face” of the NHL is such a whiney, cheap little baby/pussy!
Clean hit, just falling at a weird position. Newton’s 2nd law of motion. Meaning the board owned Malkin
A Clean, hard hit.
Such a dirty hit. The penguins will be okay because we have crosby and neal. And the penguins will win a stanley cup. Flyers fans need keep thier thoughts to themselfs! LETS GO PENS!
Great player but skates very recklessly sometimes, hopefully not hurt long, Pens got a Stanley Cup to win! Go Pens!
I love how Flyers fans claim Geno, Sid, Neal, etc are dirt when they clearly are not and the whole cryers team us well known for being cheap shot artists. Someone nuke philly please.
Too bad Gudbranson didn’t use his shoulder, but his hands, he pushed Malkin.
Женя выдержит
It amazes me the amount of people (mostly flyers fans) who are actually happy about this injury… how classless can you be; all you scum neanderthals should be doused in gasoline, locked up in a prison cell and light on fire
hate the penguins and every player on the team but an injury is nothing to be happy about no matter what team you like. looked painfull though
damn his head bounced! I wonder what this concussion is like on the Crosby meter.clean hit though.
Yea this is a classic whiplash type concussion. Brain is definitely bouncing off the skull back and forth inside the cranium. This was a clean play, just an unlucky incident.
I’m fairly sure you’ll see a fight when the pens play the panthers again. Lets go pens
Anyone who is mad there wasn’t a penalty called .. Please stop watching hockey ’cause you obviously are a novice fan and the nhl don’t need y’all – if ya went to a game you would be the people that stand up and go to bathroom or concession’s during game play … Stick with football and the rest of the ignorant fans in the NFL
If he wasn’t wearing helmet it could have potentially been fatal ????what the hell kind of stupid post is that – if he wasn’t wearing his nutt cup he might have Hurt his ball sac lmao – I’m a die hard Pen’s fan – it was a hockey play nothing illegal not boarding and no malicious intent – now if that would have happend to ottowa they would be cryin that “he knew what he was doin when he pushed him” lol GET WELL GINO – 18 -14 – 16 & “87” will hold the fort but can’t wait to get ya back on the ice
Dangerous hit.Nothing more, nothing less.Give him 5 games
only a Flyers fan can wish so much bad luck and have pleasure over injuries….so much retarded, a bunch of no brain douche bag fan there…
I think Malkin will surely have a concussion….I also think that was not a dirty hit, but a dangerous one….that one is call boarding…but no suspension can be allow on a boarding play, a major penalty if hit from behind….in that case, a minor top….and I say that being a pens fan….that sucks but seems to go with our team injury list for the last 5 years…
it was shoulder on shoulder action, when malkin tried to force his way through gudbranson, he definitely was not in a defenseless or vulnerable position.
It has been reported that Malkin has been seen walking around after the game like normal and will be re-evaluated tomorrow.
It seemed like he fell, didn’t look like gudbranson’s hit did that
didn’t look that bad? you need to get your eyes checked.
Fucking pussy assets bitch unless your leg is broken get off the ice don’t stop play this isn’t soccer
Will he be alright? Nasty impact.
41.1 Boarding — A boarding penalty shall be imposed on any player or goalkeeper who checks or pushes a defenseless opponent in such a manner that causes the opponent to hit or impact the boards violently in the boards.
oh shut up you ignorant fool.
@StreetDreamz03 well aren’t we lucky this didn’t happen in the 50s?
In montreal they call the police when this happens to their players.
It was clean, but Malkin fell. This stuff happens. Pens fans say the same thing about Cooke and Karlsson, and this is no different. No intent to injure, just trying to play the body.
Glad he is okay, clean play though
if he wasn’t wearing a helmet, that potentially could have been fatal..
Exactly. I don’t see why people think this was a penalty. Gudbranson pushed Malkin, Malkin fell, and that’s it.
These jerseys seem to be bad luck for the pens hope for a quick recovery
Fucking dirtball Russian deserves it.
To me it looked like a clean hit, not intention to injure Malkin, just had a bad fall at the wrong time. But penguin fans have no room to complain considering they have the dirtiest player in the league on their team.
Thanks for the theoretical definition, but in real life, a collision means unintended contact. There was nothing unintentional about Gudbranson shoving Malkin into the end boards.
Omg! he almost lost his head!!! Fools….. it was a bad fall and it sure did hurt but he will be ok… dont write to ur mom
Your’re retarded if you think thats a penalty. Gudbranson kept Malkin away from the net like a defender is suppose to do. Malkin lost his footing and hit the boards. Gudbranson did nothing wrong and did not deserve a penalty.
I love Gudbranson, I’ve wanted him to be traded to the Pens to replace Orpik in the long run. Too bad that won’t happen
“A collision is an isolated event in which two or more moving bodies (colliding bodies) exert forces on each other for a relatively short time.”Genius.
Clean, solid, hard hockey play.
Dude that wasn’t a collision. Gudbranson pushed Malkin into the end boards. It probably isn’t illegal but some will say that it should be a penalty.
totally agree!!!
But you know that the majority of Pittsburgh fans will want Gudbranson’s head on a platter.
Pit fans are the worst, hope he is okay though.
Yikes, hope hes ok. He’s tough as shit though.
karma for all the slewfoots and elbows behind the play Malkin has done during his career without getting penalized.
Fuck. That’s gotta be a concussion. The hockey gods just don’t want Sid and Geno to play together for too long.
It didn’t look bad? Are you sure you watched the video? Did you not see his head snap back? You are retarted.
Before anyone starts arguing, it was an unfortunate collision. Nice play by Gudbranson in keeping Malkin to the outside, but Geno just lost his balance. Hope he gets well soon.
did not look good
Look at the whiplash on his goddamn neck
It didn’t look that bad… I find it odd that he got injured. Then again, players seem to get injured on seemingly innocent plays all the time.
Terrible. Hope Geno’s okay :'(