• Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Penguins Playoff Update: Calamity at Capital One Arena


ByRick Buker

Apr 30, 2018

It most decidedly wasn’t a very good afternoon for our Penguins. Slammed by a venomous cocktail of a vicious Washington assault, atrocious officiating and their own deplorable lack of sweat equity, our guys took it on the chin yesterday to the tune of a disheartening 4-1 Game 2 defeat.

It gets worse. Brian Dumoulin…arguably our best defenseman…likely sustained a concussion courtesy of a brutal shoulder to the head delivered by Capitals thug Tom Wilson.

The next man up, in Mike Sullivan speak? Free-agent bust Matt Hunwick, who hasn’t played in nearly a month. The Matt Hunwick who, according to The Hockey News, “can struggle when he is forechecked heavily.” The Matt Hunwick who helped the Pens to a 22-19-1 record in his 42 regular-season games.

That Matt Hunwick.

Although no one’s saying anything official, Phil Kessel most assuredly doesn’t look like the ‘Phil the Thrill’ we all know and love. It’s painfully apparent by his stiff, mechanical movements and paucity of production No. 81 is playing hurt. Nor has ballyhooed trade-deadline acquisition Derick Brassard (one goal in eight playoff games) exactly picked up the slack.

It’s too late to moan about it now. But slugger Ryan Reaves and hard-rock defender Ian Cole sure would look good against an uber-aggressive Capitals squad. As if to punctuate the lopsided nature of the physical play, NBCSN cued up replays of seven wipe-out hits during a break in the action. Not by coincidence, the Caps were the hitters…our poor Pens the hittees. It’s a wonder more guys weren’t hurt.

The officials sure as hell didn’t help. Plain and simple, it was the worst officiated game I’ve seen in a long, long time…dating back to the Neanderthal days of renowned Mario Lemieux-hater (and baiter) Kerry Fraser and drama-king extraordinaire Paul Stewart.

If I didn’t know better, I’d swear referees Gord Dwyer and Chris Rooney were mandated by the NHL higher ups to make sure the Caps win at all costs. How else do you explain the flubbed goalie interference call on the Caps’ second goal and the denial on a shoulda-been tally by Patric Hornqvist that would’ve pulled the Pens to within a goal with 11 minutes to play?

I’m surprised the NHL didn’t purge all video evidence from their web site. Speaking of the league office and botched calls, who does the video review in Toronto these days…Moe, Larry and Curly or the Three Blind Mice? My guess is the latter, given that everyone but the reviewers could clearly see white between the goal line and the puck on the video replays.

Such is life in the old-boy network that passes for the National Hockey League, eh? Nice to know Mario’s garage league is still alive and well.

Just so this doesn’t come off as a long, finger-pointing harangue, our boys sure didn’t help themselves. How they could come out as flat as a bottle of soda pop opened last Christmas for the second-straight playoff game is beyond me. Unless they fully intended to play Santa Claus and stuff the Caps’ stockings with a desperately needed victory.

I’m not sure what’s ailing our Pens, effort-wise. Whatever it is, there’s no excuse for it. You don’t want to show up? There’s seven other teams out there that do, most emphatically the Caps. Think they wouldn’t love to beat us, and rub our noses in the proverbial poop pile while doing it?

You betcha.

We’d better get our heads out of our collective tuchuses…and fast. Or, to borrow from the ‘Ol Gunner, Bob Prince, we can kiss those hopes of a three-peat goodbye.

22 thoughts on “Penguins Playoff Update: Calamity at Capital One Arena”
  1. Wow. Sprong is isnt involved in the morning skating. This is crazy. If you want to win and get secondary scoring than Sprong should be a option on the fourth line.
    I don’t know anymore .

  2. Also Penguins gotten start walking instead talking about being better and consistent. They chasing the game instead of chasing the puck consistently.

    They needs to be consistency and bring sense urgency.
    Follow through on assignments. Shelter Letang and keep it simple.
    Murray needs to be better. They needs to focus more being defensively sound then let the other things come. Defense pinching needs to stop .

    They are giving Caps to many chances when caps don’t even have nothing to give but dirty reckless hockey against them.
    Tom Wilson has became the story line of series instead Penguins being a team out for blood who wants to three peat. Only Dumoulin, Sid’s line and Määttä-Shultz seems to want win a another cup this year. Pens needs to self evaluate themselves right now in the mirror. Find some identity and keep it simple on the ice. Coaching needs to be better.
    Hags coming back, Sprong in the line up and Wilson being suspended might cure the Penguins. Plus focus tighten up Defensively that let offense come. To much offensively work that leads to defensively work being soft.

  3. Where do I start? This years playoffs falls directly on the shoulders of JR – The
    Penguins are being abused physically and no one has answered the bell. Can
    you say Ryan Reaves. I said in a number of early season posts that Reaves
    value will be at its peak at Playoff time. Wilson would be a non-factor if Reaves
    was still a Penguin.

    Second – WT? is Letang thinking about – the guy gets caught up with 3min
    to go in a tied game “Jesus” – then another 2 on 1 with under a minute and
    a half to go that beats us. I’m sorry but as much as I respect Mike Sullivan
    as a Coach you have to play differently at certain times of the game.

    Third – this was not a good performance by Matt Murray – He seemed shaky
    early on and never really found his game.

    1. Hey Mike,

      To be fair to JR, he didn’t want to trade Reaves. At least that was what I had heard. From my understanding, JR had swung the deal trading only Gustavsson and Cole but if you recall the league held the deal up. They said we weren’t giving up enough. I also heard that JR tried trading Sheary first but however Sheary was being worked into the deal, neither of the teams involved (Vegas of Ottawa) wanted him. So, the Pens lost Reaves.

      In honesty Brassard hasn’t earned his keep from that trade. I wasn’t a big fan of trading for him in the first place. I would have preferred Pageau if I was going to trade with Ottawa. Actually, I would have loved to flip Letang for Karlsson in that trade as well but that is neither here nor there.

      Also, the biggest loss in that trade (in my opinion) was trading Ian Cole. I have no idea what Sullivan had against Cole, but he should have shelved his personal opinions for the good of the team and the 3-peat chances.

      I agree about Letang, he is a loose cannon that costs the Pens mightily. However, that 2-on-1 was not his fault. He didn’t play it perfectly but he and Murray did a fair job. The 2-on-1 was on Maatta and the forwards. Maatta fell down trying to pinch and no forward really got back fast enough when they saw Maatta pinching. Because of this Ovie was wide open on the back door as Letang and Murray were forcing Backstrom wide and almost behind the net.

      Hornqvist did try to get back but he was not fast enough, he isn’t the most fleet of foot.

      And I agree about Murray. I wish I didn’t but as great as he has looked at times, he also has looked fairly average at others. over the first to playoff runs he never gave up the lead but this year has been different. Maybe it is exhaustion from facing so many wide open shots, maybe sophomore jinx, who knows, but he really isn’t the same.

      1. The other Rick

        On Letang I was referring to the 2 on 1 prior to the one the Caps scored
        on – Letang pinched with just under 3min left in the game – we lucked
        out when the Caps failed to get a shot off.

        As for the trade with Ottawa – i’m sure there were other players of less
        importance that JR could of opted to throw into the deal. I think he
        relented to the fan base that for the sake of argument knows nothing about the intangibles of the game.

        Back to Letang and the Pen’s defenseman – why would anyone be pinching when the game is tied with 3min to play – to me thats Sullivan being stubborn – he has to adjust to time and situation – there’s way to many odd man breaks.

        1. Hey Mike,

          Sorry I knew what you meant about Letang, I was frustrated with the previous break that the Caps failed on but it was the one they scored on that really has me fuming. Like you I just don’t get it. How could the D think to pinch in a situation like that. You give up the blue line and live to fight another day.

          I agree that is coaching.

          With respect to the Ottawa trade, the whole thing was a debacle. The Pens really didn’t need Brassard, Sheahan was finding his niche finally and the trade screwed up the team chemistry. The Pens gave up 3 players, 2 that could be helping them now and 1 that could have helped the team get a better draft position later.

          Brassard may still work out, but I am a little dubious. I am not a huge Sheahan fan but think that he was developing into a decent 3rd line Center and with Bellerive possibly waiting in the wings for next year, he may have been the best option (Sheahan that is) for the 3rd line Center this year.

          As for Reaves, I didn’t like the trade for him and I still would rather have Hague, but as you may have read, I softened my position on him and I really hated to see him leave in that bizarre deadline trade. Reaves too was finally getting enough ice time to show that he had value to the team, other than his personality (which really was off the chain – they could use him in the locker-room now too). However, I don’t blame other teams for turning down Sheary or many other players in that offer.

          In the end, to me anyway, forcing a trade that the team didn’t need to make is more of the problem than anything else. One the league nixed the original deal, JR should have just said fine, then no deal! It was bad enough giving up a grit guy like Cole in the deal as well as a bargaining chip to trade up in the draft (Although I may have rather traded DeSmith or Jarry to move up and kept Gustavsson – his World Cup performance puts him up a notch in my book) but to be forced, by the league to add more in that deal for a 3rd line Center shows the leagues serious attempt to keep the Pens from 3peating.

        2. Hi,
          Mike and Rick

          I agree with guys on some parts.. all parts

          I really think Sully should take the blame how thecteam is going especially with odd man rushes and the way players are being utilized. I really miss Rick Tocchet . I see Mark Reechi is the biggest problem on coaching staff. IMO when it come to line changes, how fowards are responding and really how poorly
          the powerplay can be ..

          If Sully and Reechi wants to win this series and move on for chance of getting the cup this year then it needs to be several new creative ways to get the job done.

          Letang minutes needs to be reduced and not up against Ovie.
          Leave Dumoulin with Ovie. Occasionally give extra minutes to Dumoulin-Shultz to go against top line. Määttä- Letang will not work when double shifting defenseman. Rig needs to better and happen to be more awareness on the ice. Stay simple . Start supporting right and dont do stupid aggressive pinches like Letang does. It silly. Defenseman needs to play defense and support when needed in key situations for offense.

          I really thought Rig would have breakthrough in the playoffs but he hasn’t . He needs a veteran partner that can help him on the ice like how Cole did guided him.

          Everyone hates to criticize Murray. He deserves some criticism. He needs to be better and consistent. He has been shaky although defensively the team can be bad in front of him. Murray needs a sound defensively unit in front of him. He needs to start stealing games and be consistent. He had chance last night he didn’t do.m it. He was out of control in the net. I wouldn’t mind seeing DeSmith who think should get chances to play maybe the team can be better.
          Murray need rest and to refocused.
          At this point Sully needs to let Kessel and Geno be together when Hags comes back .yes. Kessel needs to be better. He’s going through something.
          Double up behind Sid’s line and keep Brassard ‘s line as the fourth line. Since Zar is out I would put Rust with Sprong on Sheahan’s line. I would keep Brassard as the fourth line C for awhile with Sheary. I think this is the best option for the Pens . They can gradually move Sprong up with Sid-Jake for some shifts. Sid-Jake-Horrny can’t carried the team like this. No one else line seem hungry to win. Not even Brassard. I thought it was somewhat bad trade and I would rather Pageau or someone else. It seems bad now. He has chances but he is he’s isnt dominant or seems effective in Pens system to be a force behind two elite centers.
          I have no doubt Geno will come through after his return last night. He was fine but Simon and Rust is a no no with him.
          I hope to see this and I hope Sprong is the line . I would mine Brassard play wing with Sheahan and Sprong. Put Jorris in with Kuhnhackl and Rust. Scratched Sheary. I don’t know. Sheary has been alright. I prefer him on the fourth line with brass or scratched for another player..maybe rust too

  4. Rick

    Great article – I couldn’t of said it better myself – The Pen’s / Caps series sure does have a flavor of NHL intervention – scary how the game was officiated – You miss a flagrant knee on knee call and a head shot on Dumoulin and you call holding on Letang and hooking on Brassard “what a joke”

    Another point I would like to make from game 2 – its obvious the Caps game plan was to target Guentzel, Dumoulin and Hornquist. Although I think its a mute point I wonder if all the Pen’s fans who headed up the charge for Reeves departure are kicking themselves in the ass right now??

    The scary thing for me is the Caps are even close to the physical style of a Boston or Winnipeg. This could get really ugly if we sneak past the Caps.

    1. Thanks Mike.

      Totally agree on all counts. The Caps were trying to hurt people, yet the refs let all that stuff go and concentrated on the ticky-tacky stuff. I don’t know what the heck they were thinking.

      Absolutely agree on Reaves. For all we’re (not) getting out of guys like Kuhnhackl and Rowney, Ryan would’ve been much more effective. You and Pen’s 4ever (55 on Point, too) were insistent all along in your belief that ‘Reavo’ would have value in the playoffs, and you were right. We could sorely use his presence now.

      Also absolutely agree on your comments about Boston and Winnipeg. If we survive Washington. And right now, that’s a big ‘if.’


  5. Well first afternoon games always suck for Pen’s, but Phil Kessel and Connor Sheary are useless..hurt or not. You guys can say what you want but I hate Phil,
    I hope Dumo is able to go Tuesday, Hunwick is another roster player wasting space for someone else.
    I hate the Cap’s and hope we can have a good start at home and kick the crap out of them!!

    1. Hey Pen’s 4ever,

      While I can appreciate your dissatisfaction with Kessel and Sheary, I can’t say I agree. I do think Kessel’s injured…which has mitigated his usual effectiveness.

      I love Sheary’s speed and knack for getting open looks, but he certainly needs to finish once in a while, which he just hasn’t done.

      Personally, I’d like to see us shake up the fourth line. Kuhnhackl and Rowney do nothing for me. Josh Jooris has impressed me whenever he’s played…I’d like to see him get a shot.

      Agree with your hopes for Game 3. GO PENZ!


  6. Hey Rick,

    I applaud the Penguins reaction to the pathetic officiating. I am glad they themselves are not whining, even though they have some seriously legitimate complaints.

    However, I am sitting here thinking to myself how much I now wish I had study law. I would be offering myself to Dumoulin and every other player; Penguins or whoever, to sue the league for their absolute lack of sensitivity to player safety. With idiotic lack of action on plays like the hit on Hagelin and now the hit on Dumoulin their is plenty of video evidence to present as a pattern of indifference to be introduced in the punitive phase of a civil trial in a class action suit.

    Perhaps our courts are just as bad, but if logic and justice still prevail in the courts, it would be a slam dunk.

    Sorry but this neanderthal mentality is a serious sore spot for me. Playing physically hard doesn’t have to mean goon tactics and deliberate attempts to injure.

    1. Sorry wrong there. I really take a little more time to proof read what I write when replying. I meant to write “there is plenty of evidence”

    2. Hey Other Rick,

      The Capitals really took liberties. Perhaps I’m a tad hypersensitive, but it seemed almost every check they threw was laced with bad intent, punctuated by an elbow, forearm shiver or punch to the head.

      They manhandled us…plain and simple…which galls me to no end. While the horrific officiating no doubt emboldened the Caps, I also blame the Pens’ philosophy to an extent.

      (Slight pause while I climb onto my soapbox.)

      To me, you’ve got to have at least a couple of guys in the lineup that…if push comes to shove…can respond to that crap. While I certainly understand the logic behind the Brassard deal, parting with Cole and Reaves has left us extremely vulnerable to physical teams like Washington.

      Even if we get past the Caps it’s not going to get any easier. Especially if we run into Boston in the Conference Final.


      1. Hey Rick,

        I totally believe that a coach should assemble the team HE wants, however, I do question Sullivan’s treatment of Cole. If he wanted him gone, he needed to get back some grit somehow, even if it meant trading another part elsewhere to get that grit. In essence I agree to some extent.

        I would prefer to see the league wake up to the vulnerable position it is in right now and start truly taking steps to protect players before the lawsuit comes down. It is not really a question of if, but when. The lack of action they have displayed time and time again, regardless of team, leaves them defenseless.

        However, where I agree with you is that the Penguins really are whimps but I do recall some discussion that Reaves was not a part of the original trade for Brassard. I remember some talk that the reason the trade was put on hold for several hours is that the league demanded that the Penguins had to pay more in the trade, and that is when Reaves was added to the trade.

        I know some people on these boards really don’t like Sestito, but I he is a player I wish the Pens had recalled as a Black Ace and added to the line-up. Sestito may not be Reaves but he didn’t have to be, even when Sestito played, cowardly Wilson was too afraid to play his filthy style of hockey.

        Even if Dumoulin is ready to play Game 3, I would play Pedan and flip Oleksiak back to the right side, sitting Ruhwedel.

        1. Hey Other Rick,

          I agree about Sestito. He’s not Reaves, but he was tough enough to handle Wilson (and neutralize him) in the 2016-17 season opener. And I liked the way big Tom went about his business…he went straight at guys…no screwing around.

          I guess Sullivan, perhaps mistakenly, figures he doesn’t need a fighter since it’s the postseason.

          As an aside, Pedan was the terror of the AHL a couple of years ago, but his recent fights have been more tame. Tinordi, who was kayoed by Pedan back in 2015, had a couple of very impressive wins this year, including one over Caps farmhand Liam O’Brien.

          Probably a moot point. I don’t see Sully dressing either of those guys unless injuries force his hand.


    3. The other Rick

      Where is Aston-Reese?? He’s supposed to be a physical presence on the
      wing / front of the net. He’s been way to quiet for my liking.

      How about this scenario – Aston-Reese challenges Wilson as soon as Game
      3 is up and running – Could win you the series “Think Max Talbot”. Its not
      whether you win or lose but whether you show up!!

      Pens & Aston Reese need to show up for Game 3

      1. Hey Mike,

        You ask an interesting question, “Where is Aston-Reese?”
        It prompted me to look at the TOI for the players. Only Carter Rowney is getting less ice-time than Aston-Reese. So, in the kids defense, he really isn’t much of an opportunity to do much. Granted, his 10:09 TOI for these play-offs is better than Reaves’ 6:45 from the regular season but it is down from the 11:23 he was getting during the regular season. Also, in the 2 games against the Caps his TOI is down to 7:08.

        His lack of a physical presence may not be his fault but Sullivan not playing him. And I tend to believe it is more on Sullivan.

        “Why?” you may ask

        Well, I then looked at Jamie Oleksiak’s TOI (he was arguably the 2nd best D man during the regular season. During the regular season Oleksiak was averaging 17:24 per game. So far this play-off year his average is down to 12:40, the lowest of all 6 D-men.

        So the question now becomes are the Penguins players the ones at fault or the coach for all of the attempts at injury?

      2. Hey Mike,

        Interesting that you mention Aston-Reese. At the end of the game, he initiated a shoving match with an unidentified Capital.

        I confess to being a little disappointed in him from a physical standpoint, although that’s probably based more in my misconception of who he is as a player rather than any shortcoming on his part.

        I was hoping for a Boone Jenner-Josh Anderson style wrecker, especially in the wake of a kayo victory in his first pro fight with the Baby Pens. The truth is…at 6’0″ 204 (which seems generous)…he’s probably more of a Chris Kunitz.

        While I’ll gladly take any type of a physical presence, he’s obviously not even close to being a Reaves-style hammer.

        Regarding Zach taking on Wilson, I think he’d probably get annihilated. Even though I don’t like losing a defenseman for five minutes, I think Oleksiak needs to step up here. He’s certainly capable.

        Or, the coaching staff needs to get creative, dress either Pedan or Tinordi in place of Rowney, and turn ’em lose.

        I sure wouldn’t mind seeing a message sent.


        1. Rick

          I posted a comment above right after the Caps pulled out a
          4-3 win in Game 3.

          The Pen’s are taking a physical pounding with zero response.

          Ignore my question yesterday when I asked where Aston-Reese
          was – he’s at the hospital with another head shot from Tom Wilson.
          “Again with no response from the Pens” just a lot of talking.

          My question today for everyone on the blog is this – what could
          Sullivan and Rutherford be watching?? They have made no
          attempt to address the cheap shots by the Caps.

          In summary if your going to take shots at Guentzel, Dumoulin, Hornquist and tonight a cross check to Syd that sent him
          head first into the glass then we need to start going after Ovi, Backstrom, etc…etc… there top players.

          Im frustrated beyond belief.

  7. Hey Rick,

    The interesting thing about blown calls by the referees is that the CAN affect the outcome of games whether or not the team getting the short end of the stick (in this case the Pens) are playing their level best. If goalie interference is called and the game is still 1 – 1, then Caps have to play their game different and the Pens could over-turn the 1 – 0 deficit.

    No the Penguins continue to show poor defensive play giving up what was effectively a 2-on-1 on the opening goal. Hornqvist was too far to behind to be helpful. In fact he was hurtful while trying to help, knocking the puck into the great ape’s wheel house. Furthermore, the Connolly breakaway was just one more breakaway given up by the Pens turnstile defense. But none of that excuses the referees from their total disregard for the rules of the game.

    And to be honest, one blown call can be considered random chance, but with each succeeding blown call the laws of probability get smaller and smaller. After watching the blatant goalie interference, the indefensible no goal call, the head shot on Dumoulin and the knee shot on Guentzel the conspiracy theorist do gain gain ground in the integrity department while those trying to defend the NHL are rapidly losing credibility, particularly since there has yet to be an apology acknowledging the blown calls, particularly on the Hornqvist goal. Instead the league is attempting to justify their mistake absolute double talk garbage.

    The truth of the matter is, no one will ever know if the Penguins could have won that game despite their lack of defense and limited amount of sweat had the referees not assisted the Capitals to get back into the series deliberately or not. The Pens really only showed up for about 5 minutes in game 1 and still were able to beat the Caps Sunday best which means they surely could have done it again if not for the help provided by the league.

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