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Penguins Offseason: It Just Keeps Getting Better…


ByRick Buker

Jul 29, 2021

If you sensed the sarcasm dripping from my title, count yourself as perceptive. Indeed, our offseason keeps getting better and better (not).

In the wake of the second day of free-agent signings, I continue to scratch my head and wonder what in the wide, wide world of sports Pens GM Ron Hextall is thinking. Danton Heinen? Michael Chaput?


I mean, did he even watch the playoffs? Did he take note of the type of teams that went deep into the postseason? Skilled, yes, but with a physical edge. I’m not talkin’ Brock McGinn physical. I’m talkin’ PHYSICAL.

What the hell happened to all that long pants hockey and “we want sandpaper” talk? Speaking of, has anyone seen or heard from Brian Burke? Or has he been fitted with a permanent muzzle?

Okay, Buker…breathe. Relax. Goosfraba…

In a calmer moment, I do get what Hextall’s trying to do. And it isn’t that I’m unsympathetic to his plight. He’s operating under severe salary cap constraints and his hands are tied to an extent. You might say he…and the team…are paying for the sins of his predecessor.

What’s a GM to do?

Trade Marcus Pettersson and get his $4 million cap hit off the books? Great in theory. Except the very reason we’re trying to unload him also makes him unattractive to other teams.

Dump Jason Zucker and his $5.5 million salary? See above.

Back to Hextall. Thus far, he’s tried to replace the players we’ve lost this summer…Jared McCann, Brandon Tanev and Frederick Gaudreau (the jury’s still out on Cody Ceci’s successor)…with cheaper knockoffs.

He’s succeeded…at least the cheaper part. The three prominent players he’s signed…McGinn, Heinen and (ugh) Dominik Simon…somewhat resemble the guys they’re replacing, right down to the tale of the tape. And we’ve saved a collective $3 million and change over what we’d be paying the departed players. Hardly a king’s ransom. But enough to maybe squeeze an extra player or two in under the cap.

From that standpoint, Hextall’s doing a decent job. Whether he’s actually improved the team and taken it in the right direction? That’s another matter entirely.

Take Heinen, his latest addition. Twenty-six, can play center or left wing and slot up and down the lineup. Good defensively and a strong possession player. Decent size at 6’1” and 188 pounds although not very physical (more on that later). Solid offensively early in his career with Boston (16 goals and 47 points as a rookie in 2017-18) although he’s tailed off the past couple of seasons in Anaheim. Probably not his fault due to the dumpster fire that was and is the Ducks.

By all accounts a good hockey player and maybe even a bargain at $1.1 million. However, it’s the “not very physical” part that’s got me concerned. Unless Hextall has another move his sleeve…and he’s rapidly running out of cap space with which to do it…I don’t see us being better or faster or harder to play against than last season’s version.

While he did sign a very promising goaltending prospect in Filip Lindberg, he hasn’t addressed the team’s netminding at the big-league level and isn’t likely to given the picked over state of the goalie market. Unless a deal for Pittsburgh native and current Duck John Gibson is simmering somewhere on a back burner, it looks like a rerun of the Tristan Jarry/Casey DeSmith show.

On defense, I agree with frequent commenter and kindred spirit Mike. It wouldn’t surprise me if Hextall tries to slide last season’s waiver pickup Mark Friedman into Ceci’s slot, eschewing a larger, more physical option like ex-Pen Erik Gudbranson.

Yes, I know it’s early. Way too early to close the books on the offseason. But at this stage, it’s looking more and more like another season of “Sully hockey.” Another season of chasing the ghost of our 2016 Cup winners…and falling way short.

Therein lies the root of my frustration. I hoped things would be different under Hextall and Burke…that Mike Sullivan wouldn’t drive personnel decisions (Simon) to the extent he has in the past. I believed them when they said they wanted to add size and sandpaper and make us better able to compete in the playoffs.

While there’s always hope they’ll add those elements? Right now I feel cheated. Like they’ve reneged on a promise.

16 thoughts on “Penguins Offseason: It Just Keeps Getting Better…”
  1. Hi Rick!
    Wow, what happened to the old website? A complete makeover as I can see! It turns out to be great.
    As for your article, I am not very excited by Hextall’s choices so far. I just can’t believe that Simon is back! I don’t see why Hextall is bringing him back to Pittsburgh. He doesn’t generate much offensively (he played on Sid’s line several times and it was not conclusive).

    McGinn can play good hockey but his success depends on how Sully will use him. I haven’t seen Danton Heinen this year so I can’t really comment here. Unlike Heinen, I have seen Michael Chaput play multiple times when he was playing in Vancouver. He can provide some grit and some energy. He is a 4th liner basically. But Sully is allergic to energy players showing some character.

    Rick, I have a question for you. There is a rumor here, in Canada, that a feud is going between Sidney Crosby and one of his teammates. Have you heard something about this rumor?

    Keep up the good work, Rick!

    1. Hello Jorenz! So good to hear from you.
      The blog…yes…quite a transformation, huh? Wish I could take credit for any of it but I can’t … lol Our newest writer, Caleb Di’Natale, was the driving force behind the changes. He and Phil worked in tandem to provide us with a great, new look. Caleb’s also injected new life into the blog with some really great writing and insights.
      Yeah, I’m not thrilled with our offseason so far. I think part of the reason I’m so frustrated is I feel like last season’s team really wasn’t that far away from seriously competing for the Cup. IMO we were about three players shy, a power forward, a physical stay-at-home defenseman and a front-line goalie.
      I guess, rather naively, I hoped we’d address those needs over the offseason, especially given all the rhetoric about “long pants” hockey. Nick Ritchie (signed by Toronto) and Erik Gudbranson or maybe Zach Bogosian (back with Tampa Bay) sure would’ve looked good sporting the black and gold. But the team went in another direction, more less trying to mimic the guys we lost in the expansion draft and free agency.
      I do understand that Hextall’s working under serious cap constraints. Brian Burke told TSN it was like shopping at K-Mart. But rather than improving, I feel like we’ve taken a rather large step back. Perhaps the beginning of the teardown and rebuild process.
      The Simon signing really sticks in my craw. I don’t mean to belittle him or seem overly harsh, but he just isn’t what we needed at all. It mystifies me how the metrics mavens insist he drives offense, yet he contributes virtually nothing on the score sheet. Nineteen straight NHL games without a point. Sheesh! And you just know at some point in time this season he’s going to be skating next to Crosby … 🙁
      Anyway, thanks commenting…and for letting me ramble and vent.
      PS–I haven’t heard or read anything about Sid feuding with anyone.

      1. Rick, what else did Burkie say in that interview? Oh, right, that Hextall had done a great job considering what he had to work with. Let’s wait and see how this all plays out — it’s just a big chess game and there’s still moves to be made. Hextall thinks ‘big picture’, not just the short game.

      2. Hey Rick and Jorenz,

        I sort of mentioned a couple of days back, when McCann was dealt that a source with ties to both the Pens and Panthers said that McCann is a locker room cancer and that may be the basis for the rumor you heard Jorenz.

        1. Hi TOR!
          Nice to hear from you!
          This rumor got a lot of attention last week in Canada. I tried to find the source but I wasn’t successful. Thanks for the information.

          1. Hey Jorenz,

            Good to hear from you as well. Hope the summer has been good for you.

            It doesn’t surprise me about a rumor getting attention, especially if McCann is the center of the rumor. Hextall’s almost gave McCann away after a pretty solid season. That would easily lend credence to any rumors.

      3. That’s all right for the venting, Rick. It is going to be part of the process this year! 😀

  2. Hey all,
    Just wanted to point out an excellent article by Dan Kingerski over on Pittsburgh Hockey Now titled, “Is This It? Are the Penguins Intentionally Taking a Step Back?”
    Dan writes about a lot of the issues I’ve touched on here, but much more thoughtfully and eloquently.
    I’m still massively frustrated over the direction the Pens have taken regarding physical hockey. The Rangers have added Barclay Goodrow and now Ryan Reaves. Combined with all their young talent, they’re going to be murder to play against. Ditto Philly with Ristolainen. All the while we’ve become more Milquetoastish. It just doesn’t make any sense.
    In my mind, it’s imperative we sign Gudbranson (Ritchie’s probably out of the question) just to stay somewhat in stride physically. But I don’t have a whole lot of faith at this stage that Hextall’s going to do that.
    Man, have we taken a step backward this summer.

  3. Hey Rick,

    And the biggest problem here Rick is; once again
    Wait for it…
    yet nothing is being done to fix the Grand Canyon in that department.
    What little the team has in prospects is at forward, yet Hextall keeps signing forwards.
    Zahorna, Legare, Angello, Poulin, Bjorkqvist – these kids are far and away better than Simon and Heinen.
    Bellerive may be a better option than Rodriquez – Sorry Caleb but the team needs a Center for the Bottom 6 not top 6 and Bellerive has the right skill set for that not your boy Evan.

    I am not going to say we were better off with JR, like Mike did, but I am thinking both Hextall and JR need 302ed.
    Both have shown actions not just quirky but detrimental to the well being of others (the franchise).

    You are right, there may only be 2 ways out from under Pettersson’s contract a buyout or JR getting a GM position and trading him to that escapee, that lunatic.

    I am no fan of DeSmith, nor do I think Jarry is more than a interim Goalie, but I feel bad for both of these kids. They are going to have to try and back stop a disaster worse than the Hindenburg or Titanic.

    Our new friend randomhockeylover recently posted a reply to the effect that he wasn’t sure that he even wanted to watch the coming train wreck, but for me that morbid curiosity that made Lot’s wife look back at the disaster of Biblical proportions and turned her into a pillar of salt may force me to suffer the same anguish.

    Shakespease could never have written a better tragedy than the one unfolding before our very eyes. The final act will have the Careers of Crosby, Malkin, and Letang – the players management holds in such sentimental regard – all die on the stage of Sullivan’s hubris in that final desperate act.

    1. Your analogies are just a bit over the top, but do I disagree with a few of your points? No I don’t. By the way, are you wearing your mask? Just asking here.

  4. Hi Rick,
    Love the sarcasm buddy. You are not alone in the frustrations we are all going thru as our General Manager continues in the long Penguins practice of keeping the Boss happy.To be brutally honest Mario never was a fan of real physical Hockey. Nor as a player or an owner. That opinion he has, has never changed and that is why the Pens continue to pay only lip service to the idea of a BIG,Physical team that can punish opposing teams ! I think the Coach knows that and so does the General Manager. I remember GM Hextall back as a Flyer saying he wanted his team to be”tough to play against no matter who the opposition was”. Now here in Pittsburgh it appears that all of that has changed. Why ? Has the GM mellowed all of a sudden? I don’t think so Rick.
    The Pen’s and knock em down and drag them out old style hockey has left the building along time ago. Great thoughts above as usual and I await news of how our new 2021 draft picks will do. Three seventh round picks ?? I remember back to the Ray Shero days and we would give them away because the real chances of getting an NHL Caliber player in the seventh round was not even worth talking about. How things have changed! 31 Teams out drafted us in 2021, with the Pen’s having our first pick at 58th, and it appears the same thing is happening to us as a team this last two days in Free Agency. It takes $$$ to run an NHL team and sadly our GM has very little to spend. I feel your frustrations Rick…We all do !

    1. Hey Jim,

      The financial situation will just keep getting worse.
      As you recall, and noted not so long ago, ownership told us they need to get to the 3rd round to break even when they are up against the Cap as they are and have been, since time in memoriam. spending money on more forwards of little to no value and ignoring the holes in the defense that you could navigate a battleship thru may help avoid another 1st round loss by avoiding the 1st round all together.

      (Speaking of Battleship’s Where are you Bob Kelly, our Penguins could sure use you now)

      On the plus side, at this rate, the team may just garner itself a top 5 pick in next years draft.
      Maybe that has been Hextall’s plan all along.

    2. Hey Jim,
      Sorry it’s taken so long to respond to your comments. It’s so good to hear from you and read what you have to say.
      I think you may have a point regarding Mario and physical hockey. I see Mike Sullivan as the main driver of the skill-and-speed-trumps-all approach, but perhaps some of this is filtering down from above. Interesting that we haven’t heard boo from the usually very vocal Brian Burke. It’s almost as if he’s been locked away in a padded cell somewhere. Hard to imagine he’s on board with our present direction.
      The worst thing that ever happened to us was “Fight Night” against the Islanders back about 10 years ago. We had a really tough, combative team back then. Eric Godard, Mike Rupp, Deryk Engelland, Arron Asham, Matt Cooke, Joe Vitale, Max Talbot, Craig Adams, Brooks Orpik…heck…even backup goalie Brent Johnson.
      But after the brawl with the Islanders, Mario called the league out and the league, rightfully, replied that the Pens weren’t exactly a bunch of choir boys.
      I don’t know if that stuck in Mario’s craw or not. But almost immediately after that, we began to declaw. Resulting in the “vast desert of Charmin” we have today, as Mark Madden so accurately put it.

      1. Rick
        If the Pen’s want to continue their descent in the physical department that’s their
        prerogative but they shouldn’t expect any success in the playoffs. I don’t know who’s
        responsible for this approach but when the rest of the league is adding toughness
        and physicality and you are already the softest team in the NHL and settling on status
        quo that’s a huge mistake. I just don’t understand for the life of me why you would
        want to have players like Crosby and Malkin having to defend for themselves. I’m
        really in a loss for words and share Rick’s frustration – this doesn’t look or feel right.

      2. Hi Rick,
        Many thanks for the reply above. I read the excellent article by Dan Kingerski you refer to and it does make one wonder just what is going on in the mind of GM Hextall . Maybe he realizes that the Pens can not win a Cup in their current state and he can not come out and say ” Were done ” .. The fan base would not allow that to happen even though many Fans already know this to be true. For me it will be a tell tale sign if Hextall gives Geno and Kris both long term contract extensions with a 6-7 million dollar Cap hit each. That would not be good for the Pen’s franchise long term given the status of their health and their age.
        It will be very interesting to see what the 2021 season will finally look like Rick.

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