• Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

New Book by Rick Buker


ByRick Buker

Aug 9, 2023

This post has nothing to do with the Penguins or hockey. Rather, it’s a plug for my latest book.

It’s titled “Lost & Found” and it’s my first foray into fiction. The book is mostly about people and relationships, with a mystery and Sci-Fi back drop. Here’s a brief teaser:


Elmer Schrecengost and his big brother, Pete, are on a mission. To search for a ghost.

As the sun begins to set behind the rolling Pennsylvania hills they reach the woods that frame Campbells Run. Fueled by the stream, a strange mist creeps in, obscuring their vision. But Pete sees something through the gloaming.

“Wait here,” he tells a trembling Elmer.

Pete disappears into the mist…never to return.

Years later, Shane Collins drives along a lonely stretch of Campbells Run Road. He, too, encounters a mist…so thick he can barely see. Suddenly, a figure emerges. He slams on the brakes.

Was it a deer? Or a child?

Heart pounding, he leaps from his car to investigate…

The next morning police discover his car…empty and abandoned. After trying to locate Shane, they notify his close friend, Clint Johnson, a retired U.S. Marshal.

Days pass by with no new leads. Left to ponder an unsolvable mystery, Clint recalls a strange case involving Jackie Kreski, head of the Anomalies Research Team at NASA’s Glenn Research Center. Desperate for help, he contacts her.

Meanwhile, in virtually the identical spot along Campbells Run Road, a man opens his eyes to find himself lying on the ground…in the year 1954.


Here’s a link to my Lost & Found page on Amazon. While you’re at, you can visit my author’s page on Amazon to view my other books.

Okay, that’s it for the shameless plug!

3 thoughts on “New Book by Rick Buker”
  1. Hey Rick I actually stumbled upon your book a few days ago on Amazon after looking at some of your penguins books. I was pumped haha, I’ll have to get myself a copy for you to sign.

    Got to get the signature before it’s a New York Times bestseller and I can gloat to my friends!
    – Congrats Rick!

  2. All the best with your new book Rick. Congratulations !!
    We all know you have a real passion and talent for writing.
    It never hurts to plug your own work my friend..

    1. Thank you, my friend.

      Maybe because it’s my first attempt at writing fiction, I think I’m more pleased with this one than all the others.

      Hope you are well. Go Pens!


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