• Sun. Mar 16th, 2025

Announcing my “Semi-Retirement” from PenguinPoop


ByRick Buker

Sep 4, 2024

Hey all. Just a quick note to share a bit of personal news.

After 13 years of writing for PenguinPoop, I’ve decided to “semi-retire” from the blogging business. More to the point, I won’t be writing Penguins game summaries this season, which I’ve done the past few years. At 67 years young, the grind got to be a bit much. Too, I’m looking forward to channeling my creative energies in new directions.

I still plan to post articles from time-to-time, especially if something gets me fired up. I just won’t be writing as frequently as I have in the past. (At least that’s the plan. You never know.)

I believe my colleagues, Other Rick and Caleb Di’Natale, plan to continue to post articles as well. Perhaps we’ll hear from our old friend, James Arthurs, too. So PenguinPoop isn’t going away. Just scaling back a bit.

To faithful readers and commenters like Mike, Jorenz, Pen’s4ever and 55 on Point, thanks so much for your faithful support over the years. As a kid it was always my dream to be a sportswriter. Thanks in no small part to your readership, I’ve gotten to fulfill that dream.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t give a special shout-out to those writers and contributors who came before me on PenguinPoop. Coach Bombay, Reg Dunlop, Horse, Champ Kind, Doug MacRay, Southside Shultzie, Disco Stu, Art Vandelay and Joey Wales, take a well-deserved bow. (Hope I didn’t miss anyone.)

Last, and certainly not least, a special note of gratitude to PP founding father, Phil Krundle, who performed wonders behind the scenes and on the technical side after hanging up his keyboard. Thanks so much for keeping us ship shape…and for inviting me to join the blog all those years ago.

God bless, all.


2 thoughts on “Announcing my “Semi-Retirement” from PenguinPoop”
  1. Rick
    You will be missed. I’m disappointed but happy for you, I loved reading your articles and always
    felt like we had some kind of weird connection when it came to Hockey and how the game was
    meant to be played. I wish you nothing but the very best and hopefully we can continue to stay
    in touch. Your friend, Mike

    1. Thank you, my friend. I’ve always looked forward to reading your thoughts and comments. I especially appreciate the fact that you’ve worked in professional sports and have provided us with an insider’s take.

      And, yes, you and I have a lot in common when it comes to the qualities we appreciate in a player and team. Perhaps because we’re from the same era. In fact, maybe we’re related. Who was your mailman growing up? (Lol…kidding of course… 🙂

      I may have been a tad over the top with my announcement. I do still plan to write when the spirit moves me, so you haven’t quite gotten rid of me yet … 🙂

      Until our next exchange… Hope all is well.


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