• Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Penguins Kids Cleaned, Pressed and Folded by Sabres Regulars


ByRick Buker

Sep 22, 2024

Hey all. Still in the process of figuring out this “semi-retirement” bit. While I don’t plan to write game summaries this season, I thought I’d post a quick mish-mash article in the wake of the Penguins’ first preseason tilt.

Kind of a “semi-summary” if you will.

Speaking of mash, that’s pretty much what an established Sabres sextet did to a black-and-gold squad lined with kids and various and sundry hopefuls. When your top defense pairing consists of Ryan Graves and Mac Hollowell (he of the 5’9” 170-pound variety)…well…

…suddenly a 7-3 loss doesn’t seem so bad.

Following an even first period, at least on the scoresheet, the wheels fell off the Pens’ collective wagon—goalie Joel Blomqvist’s in particular—early in the second. The Sabres struck for five goals on eight shots in less than five minutes of action, which left Blomqvist rattled and begging to be pulled. Which he was a short time later by Filip Larsson.

Although you could argue the Sabres had settled into their post-goalfest nap by this stage, the Pens regrouped with Larsson between the pipes and actually outscored their hosts, 2-1, the rest of the way, with both goals coming off the stick blade of rejuvenated Jesse Puljujärvi during a 19-second span of the third period. The hulking Finn struck for our first goal as well, a power-play marker 68 seconds in, giving him a hat trick on the evening.

Other Pens to register on the scoreboard included Tristan Broz (two assists) as well as Rutger McGroarty, Drew O’Connor, Ville Koivunen and Avery Hayes with one helper apiece.

The feisty Broz paced a largely benign group (surprise) with three hits. Tristan won nearly 58 percent of his faceoffs, too. Plus-minus wise, Hayes was the only local to break-even. Skating on right wing on the top line with McGroarty and O’Connor, Cody Glass attempted a team-high six shots, with three finding the net.

Not to sound like Captain Obvious, but it sure was heartening to see Puljujärvi enjoy such a strong game. I mean, Jesse’s an absolute horse. According to early reports, he looks faster and more agile thus far. It’s easy to forget he was still recovering from incredibly invasive double hip-resurfacing surgery last season.

Given his size and defensive prowess, if the big guy could return to even 15-goal form?

Found money.

I for one, am pulling for him.

Oh, and hold the phone on trading Tristan Jarry just yet.

Snip, Snip

The Pens returned six players, all from the OHL, to their respective junior teams. The cuts included forwards Justin Cloutier and Cooper Foster (Foster Cooper?), defensemen Caeden Carlisle, Donovan McCoy and Emil Pieniniemi and goalie Charlie Schenkel. For those of a certain generation, no relation to Chris.

Sixty-four players remain in camp.

2 thoughts on “Penguins Kids Cleaned, Pressed and Folded by Sabres Regulars”
  1. Also Rick,

    I agree with you, Puljujärvi looked really good and I am glad. He should be given a shot at Hornqvist old spot on the PP. I like what I saw of some of the young forwards but the defense is as bad as ever. However, I am not going to blame the young d-men. They are playing just as good or bad as the veterans did last season; nothing has changed.

  2. Hey Rick,

    My problem with the end result of the yesterdays first preseason game is that there is NO CHANGE. The names have changed but the result has remained the same, ZERO DEFENSE. The Penguins defense could find away to even impede the Sabres’ attack at all. It was ground hog day without the team ever learning anything from past mistake. In the 25 minutes and change that Blomqvist played yesterday he was assaulted with 24 shots that made it on goal. I haven’t see the Corsi numbers to see how many shots were launched. Project to a full game and Blomqvist would have faced just under 60 SOG. That is pathetic.

    The first GA came on a deflection – that is against the Defense.

    Second GA was stoppable; however, nothing changed defensively on this team – once again opponents got behind the defense. The shot was from a dangerous spot on the ice, just a fraction above the hashmarks of the inside of the left FO circle.

    Third GA was also stoppable; but once again the defense was poor. The Sabres had great puck movement forcing Blomqvist to pinball back and forth in his crease to try and keep up with the puck movement.

    Fourth GA was a deflection. The wrong player got credit for the Goal. Looking at the replays it is obvious that Benson got a stick on it in the high slot tipping it past Blomqvist.

    Fifth GA found the Sabres behind the Pens defense yet again. Blomqvist did overreact and was slightly outside the post when the rebound was tapped in.

    Sixth GA, another deflection.

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