• Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Holy Hockey Sticks… Petr Sykora may have divine help


ByDR Hook

Apr 21, 2009
On a bright note… we’ve got this scoop from Vatican City:
Pope Paul's sticks sent to St. Petr
Pope Paul's stick sent to St. Petr
Peter Sykora’s game may be turned up a notch if the stick shows up by game time.

This is DR Hook… carry on

9 thoughts on “Holy Hockey Sticks… Petr Sykora may have divine help”
  1. I figure that Sykora must have some pictures of a very high ranking Penguin official….Every other winger on the team shows up with Crosby and Malikin at least once a game (after PP and PK, at the least)…..Sykora plays only on the right wing with Malikn….He has virtualyno Power Play time as Geurin has replaced himon the 2nd Unit….

  2. Does anyone have connections with Rabbi’s? Maybe Petr is jewish. HAVA NAGILA HAVA!

    GO PENS!

  3. Sykora said today that with any luck he would have five or six points. I heard he received his stick today, but that’s just rumor.

  4. You got to hand it to the Vatican……. they, just like Jake and Elwood have a soft spot for all Penguins! Boom – Boom Boom…… drop the puck let’s get this game on. I’m getting fired up!

  5. There is onlyone statistics that means a good hoot during the playoffs and that’s WINS.

    Let’s go Pens

  6. Shelly Anderson of the PG said in a chat yesterday that Sykora most likely has an unreported shoulder injury. It looked to me like he had some good shots sunday, he’s very streaky, just wait till this streak is over!

  7. It will be interesting what decision Bylsma makes in regard to dressing or not dressing Sykora and/or Godard tonight. It’s not like Sykora has been in a recent slump— he’s been pretty much out to lunch for 2-1/2 months. That’s not a slump—- that’s pathetic. If he isn’t scoring he doesn’t bring too much else to the table. I don’t think the answer is Satan but I don’t think doing and just hoping is an answer either.
    When you see a coach like in Washington yanked his goalie after game 1 for a 20 year old you have to wonder if Bylsma has to do the same thing with Sykora. Maybe he gives him one more game, eh. Or, just a couple of shifts and if he doesn’t look like he’s there slide him down the end of the bench and finally sit him the rest of the series. You can only “keep the faith” for so long.

  8. Hopefully Sykora checks the curve on those sticks – that is, if he isn’t replaced by GODard. Oh strike me down – Boom Boom Bomm

  9. So the Pens know people in real high places. As in heaven, as this Pope has passed on. Current Pope is Benedict XVI. However, we all know Pope John Paul II is the real one. No disrespect intended.

    GO PENS!

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