• Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

Detroit, Lidstrom and Draper are sore losers, snub Crosby


ByPhil Krundle

Jun 16, 2009

Call them unsportsmanlike or call them sore losers, whatever you call them, Detroit’s lack of class runs from the captain of the team all the way down to the fans*.  Lidstrom waited less than 5 seconds for Crosby and the rest to come over to shake his hand before he and Draper lead the team off the ice, Lidstrom all of the sudden had an inability to skate past the blue line.  Then Draper goes to the locker room and outclasslesses himself by trying to blame their embarrassing childlike display on Sidney Crosby.


Last year Sidney Crosby and the rest of the Penguins did not line up 90 seconds after the Wings won like Lidstrom did this year, they let Detroit celebrate as long as they wanted and waited until Detroit started to line up when they were done celebrating. They had to skate all the way to the Detroit side corner of Mellon arena to make sure they shook hands with the Wings, and every last player on the Penguins skated to the corner to make sure, that is what a true sportsman does.

Lidstrom and Draper were the ones who led their team into the “Handshake Snub”.  They should try having some class and dignity then start acting like adults, not little children. 

The Detroit fans who cheered when Crosby got injured then booed the Stanley Cup presentation and the skating of the cup, a year after the Pittsburgh Penguin fans stayed and watched their cup celebration without booing. They should probably take a look at the Washington Capitals supposed “bandwagon” fan base who gave a standing ovation to their team after they lost. Detroit fans went from 4th best in my book, behind Pittsburgh, Montreal and Buffalo to 29th in the league, one notch above a Philadelphia fan.

It’s not just my opinion here’s retired Detroit News sports reporter Jerry Green’s opinion: Click Here> “Some Red Wings fans didn’t act like champions

*The unsportsmanlike comment and sore loser comment does not include players like Helm, Lebda, Osgood and especially Johan Franzen who showed true class, he was third in line after Lidstrom and Draper,  and he stayed to shake Sidney Crosby’s hand.

16 thoughts on “Detroit, Lidstrom and Draper are sore losers, snub Crosby”
  1. Wow…you people are so biased. The Penguin Cheater..Oh.. wait there called the Penguins,, Sorry people. The Penguins should learn some F-ing sportsmanship. In game 1 when Crosby hit our guys (Detroit Red Wings) with the stick was that good sportsmanship. Sidney “crybaby” should learn some respect. Actually ur officals should learn how to be fair and dont favor teams. Detroit was screwed over in all of Pittsburghs home games because of there stupid refs. But Whatever i dont feel like arguing with you guys. Go back and celebrate something you guys didnt earn. GO BACK TO YOUR HELL HOLE,YOU GUYS CALL “PISSBURGH”. -(

    1. “Detroit’s lack of class runs from the captain of the team all the way down to the fans” – Phil Krundle

      It was the same refs for home and away game genius.

      Savageau’s Places Rated Almanac 2007 Pittsburgh #1 – Rand McNally’s 2007 Pittsburgh most liveable city in the US and 2009 The Economist ranked Pittsburgh #1 most liveable in the U.S. 29th overall in the world. Detroit has never been in the top 100.

      1. Wow “Sidney ‘crybaby”. That is a testament to how unbelievably dumb the red wings’ fans are. I don’t think I need to remind everyone of how the calls went both ways (if any red wings dispute this review games 1 and 2 and even you won’t be able to say anything)

        Way to be sore losers…good season and great cup series and all you can do is complain about insignificant things at this point.GO PENS

    2. Wow————-PenguinKiller, eh. How’s that working for ya?
      What’s happened is that Detroit has been exposed as one of the most economically depressed areas of the USA and the hockey team one who has aged right in front of our eyes. The Red Wings just couldn’t keep up. They were PEGUIN-POOPED. The hockey games in Detroit were not sold out so if you want to blame it on the economy go right ahead. But, when you talk hell-holes, Detroit even in the good days wasn’t a garden spot of the world.
      However, it’s neat the fashion statement you guys are making using all that plywood in place of window glass. Without Chicago fans and Pittsburgh fans buying the tickets ‘hockeytown’ would not have sold out their last games. Hockeytown? Maybe once it was———— but it ain’t no more.

      Boom –Boom –Boom

  2. Hossa was a good sportsman here BS! He was another guy who snubbed Crosby, you need to watch the video, he shakes hands with a player, looks over at Crosby then puts his head down and skates off the ice with Lidstrom and Draper. That is a sore loser, and shows poor sportsmanship. I think he felt bad about it afterwords, but that doesn’t make up for the childish act. f-him!

    He knows we gave up players to get him when we originally traded for him, including Crosby’s good friend, Colby and a very highly regarded prospect. He left town and kicked the young Penguins while they were down, once again f-him!

    It all worked out better in the end, but every person here would feel very different about it if it went the other way and Detroit won the cup.

    1. How focused on the Stanley Cup can some of you be to watch and keep tabs of who shaked who’s hand? Talk about some really petty childish act things.
      We won the friggin cup and you are rewinding to see who shook who’s hand and then call out Hossa as a chlidesh act??? ROTFLMAO.

      1. Hey a stick – I take offense when other teams pick on my team and the players on it. You may want to become more than a bandwagon cup fan and care about your team a little. Crosby is going to be part of Pittsburgh for a long time.

        1. Hey, if you feel Crosby needs your help – go right ahead. Do you think he’s rewinding the tape multiple times to find out who did what. I kind of doubt that. However, if you feel the need go right a head. As me being a bandwagon fan? Where did that come from? Did you catch me on tape somewhere! ;o)

  3. It’s “good fun” to “poke fun” at Hossa but really . . . after winning the Stanley Cup there should be a time limit on making fun of the guy. As it turns out that it is he who ends up supporting Crosby and the handshake horse-crap. Hossa turns out to be the good sportsmen here and I thought I’d make a note of that.

    1. I agree with you. He actually did us the favor by leaving. I think we got a better core group of guys than we would have had, had he stayed. However, it is a tiny bit fun to continue. Sorry!

  4. If you watch the video,the Penguins go through the line all in segments, sometimes 4 at a time, sometime 6, but with big gaps, because Lidstrom didn’t give them time to celebrate, The Penguins waited over twice as long the year before and let Detroit line up when they were ready. Lidstrom and Draper are childish 5 year olds.

    It was playing the old crappy Draper in the final game that cost Detroit the series he was a -1 and was way out of position behind the net cross checking Scuderi on Talbots game winning goal – AND MAKE SURE YOU WRITE THAT I SAID THAT!

  5. Draper was recently seen leaving a McDonalds Drive Thru. He ordered Fries and a Chocolate Shake, but was in such a hurry, he left without the shake.

    GO PENZ!

  6. If you go back a year ago and recall the pictures of Crosby sitting on the bench and Hossa slumped against the boards on his ass looking totally deflated – Crosby said (the commerical—- “I never want to be in a picture like that again.” Hossa was so dejected over it that he jumped ship. Losing sucks. Heck the Russians were pissed when the lost to the USA – but didn’t leave the ice like Lidstrom and Draper did. Draper first, and then Lidstrom and now Zetterberg whining (for real)like the three mousekateers. Draper lost control so bad and was so pissed-off that he woke up early the next morning and sent twixed to the media.
    There are losers and then there are really jackass losers and what happened (STH35 hit this one on the nose) is that Kris Draper replaced Justin Abdelkader and the Red Wings became less of a power and when you add to that Nicklas Lidstrom with a chance to tie it up – got stone-walled by the Flower. All the media reports about their class and maturity couldn’t put these Humpty Dumpies back together again.
    They had a 2 – 0 lead and they snatched defeat right out of the jaws of victory—– and all that class and maturity (with these three players) went bye-byes. Other than those three the rest of the team seemed to be okay with everything. Sometimes it’s not how you handle the wins it’s how you handle being snuffed. Our ‘boys of winter’ did a better job last year than the Red Wings did this year.

  7. It is unbelievable what has been coming out of Detroit. Totally unclassy. You lost! Take it with pride. We did last year. From the players all the way down to the fans.

    It takes what three seconds for each hand shake. So if Crosby made it to the line, was he 50 seconds off? I guess they had better things to do, like whine, complain, take their geritol.

    GO PENS!

  8. Krundle, This scares me but I agree with you again. The only dumber thing that Draper did was play in the games. Abdelkader was an asset to the red wings. Draper must have felt so bad that he let his team down. He came up with this lame idea to soften the blow. 2009 Stanley Cup Champions The Pittsburgh Penguins. Just wanted to say that.

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